What happened to Jan B.?

They deleted both videos. I'm not sure if someone reported it or what. But I'm getting tired of this crap. I see plenty of Janet videos on here and other top name performers. JanB is a retired amateur and all of her videos are out of print and no longer available for sale. It makes no sense to me.
Doesn't make sense to me either. But I'm sure you're gonna find a new home for your wonderful
enhanced Jan-Videos. Just make sure to let us know where to find them... ;-))
They deleted both videos. I'm not sure if someone reported it or what. But I'm getting tired of this crap. I see plenty of Janet videos on here and other top name performers. JanB is a retired amateur and all of her videos are out of print and no longer available for sale. It makes no sense to me.
Ki ll the music, it might have something to do with it.
And while we're at it, lets clear the air about JanB. First........Her name is Jan Barley, she still lives just outside of Indy and did MANY IR movies (with help from her husband Mike). She and Mike sold movies from her own site that started in the mid 90's and continued thru 2016 (I think). Even though she kept her site running, the last movies she recorded was in about 2008. Her husband Mike became very ill around 2008 (throat cancer), and he passed away in 2010. He smoked short non-filters since he was in his teens. Mike Sr was the driving ******* behind her website. After his death in 2010 Jan kept her site alive selling movies, but sales were low, and the monthly expense of maintaining a website overwhelmed the amount of sales. Secondly.........around 2012 or 2013 a Pro Pornstar named Jan Burton (from the UK) surfaced, and she went by the name JanB as well. This muddied the waters and left many fans confused. All this confusion got to be too much, and she no longer had Mike to help, so Jan closed her site. Thirdly........Jan is NOT HIV positive, and people should stop spreading that rumor. Fourth...............Yes, she lost her ******* Mike Jr in 2018. I'm not sure how he died, so I wont make anything up. Finally...........She is now leading a quiet, retired, life near Indy, and hangs out with a close group of friends. I have no idea if she has a boyfriend, or if she's with her old friend Larry, or if her current mate is even black. I do know that before Covid hit, she was an avid Yelper in and around the Indy area, and you can still see her Yelp reviews of local restaurants. Yes, she was a true pioneer in the IR lifestyle, we all miss her very much. I have written her personal email address many times trying to purchase some of her movies, and she just wont respond, so it appears she wants to be left alone, and I will grant her that. God bless Jan, and her movies live on.
Greatest ever. thanks for the post
Hey, here's a shout out !! I need a good working copy of B173 from Jan's catalog of movies. My copy went corrupt, and I'm willing to trade 3 JanB movies of your choice for one good copy of B173
Absolutely !! Larry had a problem staying hard, and had to hold his dick as he fucked Jan. None of the other guys had that problem when having a good time with Jan. Can you imagine not being able to maintain a hard on when being with the voluptuous Jan B ?
Absolutely !! Larry had a problem staying hard, and had to hold his dick as he fucked Jan. None of the other guys had that problem when having a good time with Jan. Can you imagine not being able to maintain a hard on when being with the voluptuous Jan B ?
One of her studs (Keith) used a cock ring. He was hard from start to finish. Larry must of never thought of that. LOL...... Too be fair to Larry and a lot of other well endowed men, staying hard seems to be an issue. Even the legendary John C. Holmes had major issues. Eric Edwards (an all time great) said that although John, when rock hard was close to 12 or 13 inches, most of the time he was no more than 8 or 9 while performing. He simply could not stay hard. Film crews hated working with him because a simple 6 to 8 minute sex scene with him would take 3 to 4 hours to shoot all because they had to keep stopping so that he could get hard again. Even in todays porn world the ultra well hung studs have issues. Many of them now use meds to help get it up. Even the younger male stars are using Viagr@! Being well hung ain't all it's cracked up to be. I see guys losing their erections a lot in amateur videos.
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Glad to see so many Jan B fans out there. Yes, quite iconic stuff.
2 videos I have never been able to obtain : Monet's preggo shoot and Salina's gangbang.
anyone have these ?
thanks so much and enjoy the Independence Day weekend everyone
Do you have B-275 that you would be willing to post?