Wedding Pictures in the Background

Thanks for getting this going again...I think I got it started awhile back. Still my favorite vids are amateur (please stop with the OnlyFans's pro now) homes...and with pics in the background. Bonus if the wife is shown in every day life shots.
That’s a stupid reason, more of a knee jerk reaction, the rugrats can appear in the background of a porn scene, there’s no laws against it, so long as they’re not involved or without clothes, tu people these days are too nervous, this particular site for instance has a ridiculous censoring algorithm,,,the words you can’t say in any context are a joke, F0rce, Drlnk (and all it’s associated words), Andy thing that may reference any type of offspring, and the list goes on,,,and here I thought I was an adult on an adult site. But it’s not just this one, it’s everywhere, almost like “cancel culture”,,,at least we aren’t pixelizing genitals like Japan does,,,this is 2024 isn’t it? Just checking, I know rap songs have thrown out the rules book that the FCC used to go crazy over, but now we’ve got this crap invading OUR world, you know, that world that’s supposed to be for adults!