was it a dream?

Just woke up from the weirdest dream I´ve head in a long time:
I went home from work and before I could open the door to my apartment, I received a message from my gf: "I know you´re home soon. Either come home an hour later or tell me if you are there already."
Dream-Me was irritated and couldn´t understand the situation completely so she received following short answer: "I´m standing right in front of our door. What shall I do?"
A fast answer: "come in, get naked, be fucking quiet and wait in the living room until I say so." I thought she maybe prepared something sexy but as I heard nothing and the lights were also switched off. It felt as if nobody was there. while I stripped naked as she ordered me to I had several scenarios running through my head: cheating, shopping, gym, anything. It felt like an eternity until my phone buzzed. The text was simply: "Wake up, slut. I have a present for you. Check our E-mails (we have an e-mail for the two of us)."
I woke up, having a boner and did instantly as the dream message told me. I couldn´t believe it: over the course of the last week she not only flirted with several strangers without my knowledge, she dated two of them on separated days while I was at work. I don´t have much more information besides that she begged the last date for more this saturday when I have to work again. It feels as if dream has become reality...and way faster than expected
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