Ukrainian girls meeting black men

you never been to ukraine so you do not know nothing. I have been there and there are many white slavic children in ukraine and no foreigner and you want to stop believing statics, because it is difficult for foreigners to live in ukraine due to the bureaucracy system and language. Europe will have a reset and trade with China as they understand that China is a super power and China will tell what the EU will have to do and one of the policy is to have more children. In China many people have children and they removed the one baby policy and there is no brain washing marketing as there is in western countries and no guilt mentality like Germany and USA. You are already seeing it that France went to China and made a deal and the Chinese want to build a silk road from China to the EU however no USD involved.

The massive migration to Europe is because the EU countries are controlled by globalists they have hijacked the EU government and to flood the country with third world and forth world this is to destroy the identity of the EU and destroy christian values, the reality is there will be no more EU within the next 10 years. They are even going to CIS countries to have a forum to join the EU that is how desperate the EU are. The reality is the EU will collapse and they will have a renaissance and the third and fourth world people who have went to the EU, will return because many Italian companies have invested into Africa (without EU money) to bring up there own countries and train talent in the investment there in there country and no need to run away or influenced by an NGO, there are people in Congo who pay 2 USD for 1 egg and they are imported from Rwanda, no one trains the people that is is better to buy a chicken and produce eggs and sell on the market and Congo is rich in minerals having over 100 trillion USD in wealth, the problem is management.
There are many NGO companies which tell many people from Africa to go to the EU because it is better, however in reality it is not, they end up in gangs or *******.

Ой у вишневому саду,
Там соловейко щебетав.
Додому я просилася,
А ти мене все не пускав.

Ти милий мій, а я твоя,
Дивись, яка зійшла зоря,
Проснеться матінка моя –
Буде питать, де була я.

А ти їй дай такий отвіт:
Яка чудова майська ніч.
Весна іде, красу несе,
А тій красі радіє все.

Доню моя, не в тому річ,
Де ти гуляла цілу ніч, –
Чому розплетена коса,
А на очах бринить сльоза?

Коса моя розплетена,
Її подруга розплела,
А на очах бринить сльоза,
Розлука з милим в нас була.

Мамо моя, ти вже стара,
А я щаслива й молода,
Я жити хочу, я люблю!
Мамо, не дорікай доньці свою.
This action taken by the French authorities for Ukrainian women is actually a trailer for the general mentality of Western Europe and the future Europe. It's admirable that they want to match perfect-looking white Ukrainian women with black immigrant men, not native French men
This action taken by the French authorities for Ukrainian women is actually a trailer for the general mentality of Western Europe and the future Europe. It's admirable that they want to match perfect-looking white Ukrainian women with black immigrant men, not native French men
how? what's great?)
State-sponsored matching of immigrant black men and Ukrainian women. Was it descriptive enough?
“native French men” I don’t understand that your dark-skinned man is better than a French men? The kind of caricatured French we knew are no longer left.
Why is Nazism spreading among blacks?
“native French men” I don’t understand that your dark-skinned man is better than a French men? The kind of caricatured French we knew are no longer left.
Why is Nazism spreading among blacks?
What you said is so ridiculous lol. The state-sponsored pairing of white Ukrainian women and immigrant black men is a major blow to Nazism
As much as I see no problem with this and think it's a great idea, I have doubts that it is being reported accurately. Often times nazis and racists will make stuff up or dishonestly frame something to get their base riled up. Nazis love creating this type of propaganda because it cuts deep into the insecurities of white men.

One red flag is that I can't find the original post anywhere. I'm only finding screenshots.

I did find some people mention this but with a bit of a different narrative. According to this post they weren't speed dating but rather having an integration session. The picture speaks more to this as it does not appear they are having a date but rather doing an assignment in a classroom setting.

Don't get me wrong this is still a good thing and I support it either way. But I want to be able to discern the truth from propaganda.

Screenshot 2024-02-12 at 01-36-10 @LyceeAndaines - Search _ X.png
Not all black men are BBC, some black men eat trash and are unhealthy. So, not all Ukrainian women will see the appeal. They'd be better suited for the kind found in America who hit the gym and take better care of themselves.