Uk Refugees

I am tired of seeing these poor people in the press being victimised and bullied because they are coming over on boats. I for one would like to stand on a beach and welcome them and maybe help looking after them.
Would you be doing this for sexual reasons?
These are mostly very fit young alpha males. Their main reason for coming is to better themselves and their families. But they are surely going to enjoy a lot of white pussy! Another reason why they need to be located around the country
We are hoping the same in case Ukrainian women come on boats. Lots of sunshine and bbc
I feel blessed for living in Spain with my husband,because all african refugees come into europe fron Spain,and i'm so imvolved im helping them with any paperwork needed...but i focus my help to them in provide them emotional support by being at their side when they think of beimg away from their loved ones and i found out that the best therapy for them is to allow them to relieve their tensions physically,and being avalaible at any time for that,and once a month bring a group of them to my home for a group therapy session with me and them
I feel blessed for living in Spain with my husband,because all african refugees come into europe fron Spain,and i'm so imvolved im helping them with any paperwork needed...but i focus my help to them in provide them emotional support by being at their side when they think of beimg away from their loved ones and i found out that the best therapy for them is to allow them to relieve their tensions physically,and being avalaible at any time for that,and once a month bring a group of them to my home for a group therapy session with me and them
Bless you for that. You are clearly a beautiful person in every way.
This is the reception all white British girls should give them. In the past, to say "British girl" meant a white British girl. Now it's accepted that British girls are all shades of colour. We're getting there. Keep it up, girls.
Your a twat saying that as they could be under age 👊
This is the reception all white British girls should give them. In the past, to say "British girl" meant a white British girl. Now it's accepted that British girls are all shades of colour. We're getting there. Keep it up, girls.
British by a piece of paper, not by ancestry. English is pure, British is a colonial chicken coming to roost