trump running for re-election on the economy

still alienating our allies...…...
Donald Trump wades into Britain's 'interesting' Brexit ...
U.S. President Donald Trump arrives in Britain on Monday for a state visit laden with diplomatic peril, after humiliating outgoing Prime Minister Theresa May over Brexit and demanding she be ...

As May’s Government Teeters Over Brexit, Trump Gives It a ...
Jul 12, 2018 · As May’s Government Teeters Over Brexit, Trump Gives It a Shove. ... But the NATO meeting created a picture of discord days before Mr. Trump was scheduled to …
I could care less what the Brits think of our President - more TDS propaganda flowing like the mighty Mississip. Gonna be a lotta lefty heads exploding when he gets

I'm sure your opinion is highly thought of around the country....but most of the country likes to be respected and our opinion used to count and mean something world wide...instead of being a joke!

like yesterday when trump told Russia and Syria to quit bombing a certain part of Syria......and Russia said NO!....I'm sure P u t I n valued our opinion and was concerned...……..I'd bet he just laughed his ass of his employees speaking up out of turn!

you are just suffering to much of that TDS....trump devotion *******
Respected - even more so now - since kiss ass Obama is gone - Trump means business - I LIKE that. USA first - not last - GOOD premise there : }

you have a strange view of respected......everyone likes a joke once in a while...but we elected one...or rather Russia appointed one to make it's self look better

9 charts on how the world sees President Trump | Pew ...
Jul 17, 2017 · Today, Trump gets similar marks as Bush in these four nations. 4 Europeans who favor right-wing parties are generally more likely to have confidence in Trump. Those with a favorable view of right-wing parties in France, the UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Germany tend to express more confidence in Trump.

Trump Approval Worldwide Remains Low Especially Among Key ...
Oct 01, 2018 · Now, the Trump presidency has brought an increase in the number of people in many nations saying the U.S. essentially doesn’t listen to countries like theirs when making foreign policy. This pattern is especially pronounced among some of America’s top allies and partners.

What do current world leaders think of Donald Trump?

World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low ...
Jan 18, 2018 · World's confidence in US leadership under Trump at new low, poll finds. It increased moderately in Russia, the former Soviet states in central Asia and parts of west Africa. Trump’s first year in office has aroused particular intense antipathy. Gallup found that the median of worldwide disapproval of US leadership has hit a new record of 43%, higher than disapproval of Russia (36%), China (30%) …
How does Russia benefit from a Trump presidency? - Quora
If anyone doubts Russia is benefiting from the Trump presidency, they just haven’t thought about it enough. Russia benefits from the Trump presidency in any number of ways—at least 20 by my count. They would also unquestionably benefit even more i...

Survey: Putin more trustworthy than Trump, say Germans ...
News Survey: Putin more trustworthy than Trump, say Germans, other US allies. People in a number of US-allied nations trust Vladimir Putin more than Donald Trump when it comes to handling foreign …

even our allies agree...

Vladimir Putin now more trustworthy than Donald Trump ...
Aug 17, 2017 · Vladimir Putin is more trusted than Donald Trump to do the right thing for the world among citizens of numerous U.S. allies, including Japan, …
Poll: The World Trusts Putin More Than Trump -
Oct 02, 2018 · 27 percent of those surveyed are confident Trump will do the right thing, while 30 percent trust the former KGB agent. ... Poll: The World Trusts Putin More Than Trump. Most Viewed Stories.

Donald Trump news: President ‘less trustworthy’ than Putin ...
Oct 02, 2018 · Even Mr Putin, whose country stands accused of the Salisbury poisoning scandal, interfering with foreign elections and ongoing human rights abuses, was deemed more trustworthy than Mr Trump with ...
Respected - even more so now - since kiss ass Obama is gone - Trump means business - I LIKE that. USA first - not last - GOOD premise there : }

really doubt you will read any of the above articles...after all you are a trumpie and facts mean nothing to you people...but just like the tariffs....if ******* for brains had gone to our allies and asked for help with one time they may have helped since they have the same problem we do....but the pumkin has all the answers and now the American consumer will be paying....and paying for a long time

this guy was/is a reality TV star and not a very good one at that.....and you people put him in charge of the country?
Trump means business - I LIKE that. USA first

you mean like he is doing to the economy? just love him!

you mean like he is doing to the auto industry? moving a lot of them overseas....and then putting a tariff on them when they come back in......out of work manf just love him....public will love the extra 1500 dollars they will have to pay for that car

you mean like he is doing with the outsourcing of jobs? a 5 year high

you talking about his spending disaster relief money on a monument that he wants to call a wall..until he can proclaim it a trump monument...even after both parties gave suggestions on how the money could be better spent

you mean like he is doing with wages? not keeping up with inflation

you mean separating children from their parents to teach them a lesson...and we the people have to support these ******* now
because he doesn't know who the parents are

you mean the fact that we have killed several children at the border because we won't give them medical attention?

you mean the fact that he has taken care of the top 10% with tax breaks and changes to the laws to benefit them at the expense of the rest of america

you mean his letting Nk test short range missels that could be used against our own troops there and is against a UN resolution...but it's ok he likes the guy

you talking about him praising the dictator that was in some ways responsible for the deaths of thousands of americans on memorial day

you talking about how he wants us to buy American products and put America first while his whole family buys and sells from China?

you talking about he just turned his head to an American journalist killed by the Saudi's because he has biz ties there?

you talking about how he lifted the standards on clean air and water so we could live LESS?

you talking about him removing the restrictions that all the smoke put out by these big trucks is ok?

you mean like when we sent food and etc to Ven. in order to help the starving people there...Russia sends troop and tells him to stay out and he says OK

you talking about how he saved the coal industry...when the rest of the world is shutting it down......but he created a few hundred the expense of several thousand energy efficient jobs

you talking about how he conspired with a foreign enemy to be ruler of this nation...and anyone who won't stop it..….call it fake news if it gets reported

I am tired of typing...but I'm sure you have a lot to be proud of
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O NO - carpal tunnel setting in from all ya propagandizing - I hope not - it’s fun reading how brainwashed you are from the liberal media - I would greatly miss your diatribes :|
It’s propaganda - true or false is in the eye of the beholder - most news sources have over 90% negative reporting on our President - you chose to believe it - I reject most of it as leftist drivel.

you don't think there is a reason they have the negative reporting?....he has earned it!

and just for you Idi Ameanump lovers......most presidents have a dislike for the press......they criticize everything they do or say....but with this ass hole they are picking on him...…..they are doing nothing more than they did to all the others....he just kept fueling the fire with what all he does......the only thing he is good at......he knows how to manipulate the press.....he will do something real bad that the press will have a field day with....and then come out with something crazy to take the heat off his fuck up

he has earned all the bad press he gets

I can remember the press making a big issue of Obama having his feet up on the how this pres has given fodder to the press with all his treasonous activities

a little off topic...but I joke about politics with my neighbor a lot.....he likes to tell me how lib he is......and yet when you ask him when was the last time he voted Democrat.....all you get is a dirty look....I won't even go into all the names and real hate he had for Obama
I get into some real good arguments down here with was a preacher in some church......and me voting Dem was against the preaching of the church....I really took off on him...he got mad and left the store...this is the south and all the preach and talk about is republican
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You should live up here - some poor kid in a bar with a MAGA hat on walked outside - 3 lefties followed him out - blindsided him from behind and beat the shite outta him - put him in the hospital essentially for having a different political point of view. I am surrounded by liberals :|
So I feel your pain.
You should live up here - some poor kid in a bar with a MAGA hat on walked outside - 3 lefties followed him out - blindsided him from behind and beat the shite outta him - put him in the hospital essentially for having a different political point of view. I am surrounded by liberals :|
So I feel your pain.

that is not the case here in the bible's bad enough most of them get it pounded into from their parent and in the bible belt most go to church and get more there.....I thought I was going to have an orgasm when I got into it with the preacher....was afraid I was going to get thrown out but I looked and there was several young people laughing..AT HIM!......his final words was..."don't you follow the teachings of the church" him on all of trumps sexual exploits...and was on a roll..until he got mad and left

I go to a car show every Tues and Sat...all nice guys and fun group to be with..about 6 of us travel together...they are all solid republicans...every once in a while one would make a comment...I would be all over him....they really have no idea what is really going on..just that they are republicans....they finally all agreed no more political talk...every once in a while one will ask about a certain subject...I will explain and then drop it...funny the one of them that is the worst...extremely rich (40 some rental houses)...full blooded Indian and died in the wool republican and gets a little cranky on the subject
Politics seems to have that effect on people unfortunately.

Hey heard there’s a lot of flooding down there - got your harem of great Chevy’s on high ground ???
Politics seems to have that effect on people unfortunately.

Hey heard there’s a lot of flooding down there - got your harem of great Chevy’s on high ground ???

yes that is what I have mentioned on here several times......Politics not a friendly subject or for the faint of heart....if you can't take the heat get out of the kitchen.....most are firm believers in their party and are not going to change...all you do is piss them off

usually you can argue talking points forever and does no good!

yes had to go to Muskogee VA on Monday...just 10 miles from here can barely make out roof tops of homes and barns..had the interstate shut down right out of Muskogee..under water...a little scary driving over a couple of bridges splashing up on the interstate....Corp of engineers on each bridge monitoring it....still scary though...and supposed to rain here all week!
today....trump just showed the world that someone with a third grade reading capability can conn his way into president....with the help from people with what kind of education.....that makes them believe in some "cult" type person!

wanting to impress the world...and can't read
trying to impress his followers..get the snake oil out
America stronger than ever? Then why are we just giving countries to Russia rather than do what we have done for years...defend freedom and support our allies

this man has NEVER represented this country....only what is in it for himself

and now we find out he has been arming the Saudi's quietly behind congress's back....all because it is in HIS best interest...stability in the region be damned
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