Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

I was rooting for Donald trump to be president We haven’t had a presidential assassination in a while

Stocks plunge worldwide on US-China trade war worries
Aug 02, 2019 · Global stocks plunge on US-China trade war worries Trump’s announcement of 10% tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese goods surprised investors after …
  • Author: Joe Mcdonald
careful thats redflag talk
I was rooting for Donald trump to be president We haven’t had a presidential assassination in a while

Stocks plunge worldwide on US-China trade war worries
Aug 02, 2019 · Global stocks plunge on US-China trade war worries Trump’s announcement of 10% tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese goods surprised investors after …
  • Author: Joe Mcdonald
You do realize if that horrific act does happen that automatically makes you a suspect @subhub174014 ? For sake of covering your ass from possible legal repercussions you should retract that @subhub174014 .

I was rooting for Donald trump to be president We haven’t had a presidential assassination in a while

Stocks plunge worldwide on US-China trade war worries
Aug 02, 2019 · Global stocks plunge on US-China trade war worries Trump’s announcement of 10% tariffs on $300 billion of Chinese goods surprised investors after …
  • Author: Joe Mcdonald
isn't that how you treat people charged with treason?

you put party over country...…..I put country over party!
Thats all it would take for the cops to seize every firearm in your possession
And to spend the rest of your life in prison but if that is what you are after go for it? :unsure:
Thats all it would take for the cops to seize every firearm in your possession

first off I never said I was going to shoot anybody.....your party does all the shooting not the left.....second as for someone in his position committing treason....that's letting him off easy....would you rather he be hung or gassed...a traitor is still a traitor
first off I never said I was going to shoot anybody.....your party does all the shooting not the left.....second as for someone in his position committing treason....that's letting him off easy....would you rather he be hung or gassed...a traitor is still a traitor
Maybe so, but if Trump was ever assassinated that makes you a suspect and various 3 lettered agencies would pay you a very unwelcomed visit @subhub174014 just for openly stating your desire having him killed as it could inspire someone unhinged to act on your words. ;)
And to spend the rest of your life in prison but if that is what you are after go for it? :unsure:

Oh no....only after a trial...I want all these trumpies to see what they had had their head in the sand trying to ignore for a while now....there is no doubt in my mind he has committed treason and might still be......what goes on in those secret meeting with p.utin? many countries have we promised to protect we have just walked out of and gave to goes on

but stiff just for you I am going to throw you a bone....and I am sure you will have it plastered all over this site by tomorrow....but to most of the country it changes nothing...….anyway he got an "ellis" award with Rosa parks years look it up...I'm sure you will and will make a big issue of it...I found it so i'm sure you can
Maybe so, but if Trump was ever assassinated that makes you a suspect and various 3 lettered agencies would pay you a very unwelcomed visit @subhub174014 just for openly stating your desire having him killed as it could inspire someone unhinged to act on your words. ;)

I doubt it......I copied it off a site Trumps most famous jokes!
I have been posting that one and several others....I know you would do anything you could to shut me up and protect your dema god...but not today

"Today, there was a call between Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Trump. The call was all part of Putin's annual employee review."

What’s the difference between a Trump rally and a KKK rally? The dress code.

What is the difference between Trump and a flying pig? The letter F

Why is it that when Donald Trump and Melania make love she is always on top?

Donald Trump can only F@#k up.

there are several sites of them...I just picked a few I like
I doubt it......I copied it off a site Trumps most famous jokes!
I have been posting that one and several others....I know you would do anything you could to shut me up and protect your dema god...but not today
I'm not after shutting you up. You can say to arrest and jail Trump all you want but killing him is another thing all together.

Contrast that to the Clintons as you know I am not a fan but have you ever seen me say that they should be executed? NEVER!
first off I never said I was going to shoot anybody.....your party does all the shooting not the left.....second as for someone in his position committing treason....that's letting him off easy....would you rather he be hung or gassed...a traitor is still a traitor

You’re the freaking traitor - trying to subvert an elected president - WAKE UP !!!!!!!!
Maybe so, but if Trump was ever assassinated that makes you a suspect and various 3 lettered agencies would pay you a very unwelcomed visit @subhub174014 just for openly stating your desire having him killed as it could inspire someone unhinged to act on your words. ;)

you are dreaming because your feelings are hurt that I post so much anti-trump *******....I wouldn't put it past you or someone else pointing this out to I said it is a cut and paste off the net....if it bothers bad!
I hope @subhub174014 realizes that and maybe he could see that makes him a guy wearing the black hat.

see that is your me and the majority of the country I would have the white hat...….just because you worship that dema god doesn't mean the rest of us do....even trump the chump is starting to worry...his approval rating now is at 39% and dropping while 57% of the country want him gone!

those are not good numbers for someone running for re-election...the only thing he has going for him is the economy...and it is starting to slip