Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Sometimes crisis brings out the best in people and sometimes as in the case of whining hateful Dems - it doesn’t. My hope is that America sees this and the rabid cry baby Dems disappear - guess I’m just a raving optimist.
Sometimes crisis brings out the best in people and sometimes as in the case of whining hateful Dems - it doesn’t. My hope is that America sees this and the rabid cry baby Dems disappear - guess I’m just a raving optimist.

Yeah I'm an optimist also...…...trump created this mess....and it will come back to haunt him...…...he can have all the meetings he wants where people are given instructions to praise him.....doesn't change the fact that he got rid of well qualifies people 2 years ago....and for the past 2 years has cut funding ….crippling the program.....and people dying over his greed and stupidity...….not good qualities to have in a leader
Yeah I'm an optimist also...…...trump created this mess....and it will come back to haunt him...…...he can have all the meetings he wants where people are given instructions to praise him.....doesn't change the fact that he got rid of well qualifies people 2 years ago....and for the past 2 years has cut funding ….crippling the program.....and people dying over his greed and stupidity...….not good qualities to have in a leader

Just beating a dead horse - you’d be complaining if he didn’t cut some things to reduce the deficit otherwise - there’s no way President Trump can do anything right with people like you - Dems just whine and cry and try to act like they could do better - but truth is you guys are a bunch of losers and just suck - times like this we should support the President - glad you’re showing your true colors - people are seeing it.
Just beating a dead horse - you’d be complaining if he didn’t cut some things to reduce the deficit otherwise - there’s no way President Trump can do anything right with people like you - Dems just whine and cry and try to act like they could do better - but truth is you guys are a bunch of losers and just suck - times like this we should support the President - glad you’re showing your true colors - people are seeing it.

wrong….ghe had to cut programs for the country and the needy to give that top 1% a big tax break....he added a trillion to the deficit all on his own ...with the help of those that don't care or don't know enough about what is going on
Just beating a dead horse - you’d be complaining if he didn’t cut some things to reduce the deficit otherwise - there’s no way President Trump can do anything right with people like you - Dems just whine and cry and try to act like they could do better - but truth is you guys are a bunch of losers and just suck - times like this we should support the President - glad you’re showing your true colors - people are seeing it.

I just don't think the guy has any idea of how to run a biz.....he is in just for what he can grab for himself and friends...…...needs to beef up unemployment for those that will be out of a job...…...compensate small biz for those that will the airlines and auto industry......and rescind the tax cut he gave big corps....and not only that but raise it 10% to help pay for this...….and tax the fuck out of those that are overseas

The Companies Offshoring Jobs at a Record Pace Under Trump
Apr 21, 2018 · Sadly, that power of the purse has not been used by Trump and his team. In the case of New York-based IBM, 527 jobs already left America since Trump won the election.

JUst one example...…..

General Electric Avoids Taxes By Keeping $108 Billion ...
Mar 11, 2013 · The company with the most profits parked overseas is General Electric, ... the filing that it reinvested most of these profits in foreign business operations and does not intend to bring those profits back to the U.S. ... but it is also missing money kept overseas that will not be used to invest in the U.S. or pay dividends to shareholders.

GE wins $517 million U.S. defense contract: Pentagon - Reuters
REUTERS/Toby Melville WASHINGTON (Reuters) - General Electric Aviation, a unit of General Electric Co, has been awarded a $517 million U.S. Army contract for the engineering and manufacturing development phase of the Improved Turbine Engine Program, the Pentagon said on Friday.
You know that is bad when our closest ALLY, the UK, is in "complete disbelief" on how bad Trump has responded to the coronavirus pandemic! Crazy thing is, Trump's supporters who will WORSHIP him at ALL TIMES even with Americans dying left and right WOULD STILL think Trump has done an EXCELLENT job! Lmao, some CRAZY delusional *******!

Like I have stated previously, if Trump told his supporters to JUMP off of the cliff, EACH one of them would DO IT! Now, they would LIE and say that they aren't a FOLLOWER, but that's a BUNCH of BULLSHIT! When you are that GULLIBLE to trust a NARCISSISTIC LIAR who is a CON-MAN, then that means you DON'T mind Trump playing your DUMBASS for a FOOL! I see that same ******* with the Republicans in Congress! I mean they are TOTALLY terrified of Trump, and for WHAT?

I am not surprised about the Republicans! Smdh, they DON'T have any MORALS at all and still trying to DEFLECT from the fact that Trump has FUCKED UP this coronavirus response! Trying to use China as an excuse! Nah, Trump, face it, shawty, you are in over your head! Just have some BALLS, Trump (that is if you have any), and ADMIT the truth that you FUCKED UP or are you IMMUNE to the TRUTH?

I am not surprised about the Republicans! Smdh, they DON'T have any MORALS at all and still trying to DEFLECT from the fact that Trump has FUCKED UP this coronavirus response! Trying to use China as an excuse! Nah, Trump, face it, shawty, you are in over your head! Just have some BALLS, Trump (that is if you have any), and ADMIT the truth that you FUCKED UP or are you IMMUNE to the TRUTH?

This like all the other viruses that came from China is 100% there fault. If it wasn't an election year this wouldn't be ******* more people die from hundred of reasons . and nothing is done .
This like all the other viruses that came from China is 100% there fault. If it wasn't an election year this wouldn't be ******* more people die from hundred of reasons . and nothing is done .
If Trump had responded to coronavirus in a faster manner, I would assume that Trump's approval rating would increase, but because he wanted to put that "political BULLSHIT" on the virus, he was SLOW in his response time! And, then wants to blame China for it? Nah, shawty, you're the President so admit that you could HAVE done better! I know one thing though and this DEFINITELY won't change, every time Trump lies or one of his cronies, an American is dying EVERY DAY whereas if he KNEW what the FUCK he is doing, the country would be in a better standing RESPONSE-WISE! Then, he has Pence in charge of the response TEAM, which is VERY MUCH a BAD CHOICE because he tells LIES just like his MENTOR!
If Trump had responded to coronavirus in a faster manner, I would assume that Trump's approval rating would increase, but because he wanted to put that "political BULLSHIT" on the virus, he was SLOW in his response time! And, then her wants to blame China for it? Nah, shawty, you're the President so admit that you could HAVE done better! I know one thing though and this DEFINITELY won't change, every time Trump lies or one of his cronies, a American is dying EVERY DAY whereas if he KNEW what the FUCK he is doing, the country would be in a better standing RESPONSE-WISE! Then, he has Pence in charge of the response TEAM, which is VERY MUCH a BAD CHOICE because he tells LIES just like his MENTOR!

What should have been response they just shutter California cause 14 died quarnty more die from domestic violence tomorrow