Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

We are living in the end of times and it has nothing to do with Global Warming or President Trump. We have been warned, and the results of man's fall, all personally need to figure it out. Donald Trump is not the reason the end is at the door. Gun violence is on the rise, it has nothing to do with the gun. Violence has been in play for over 2000 years, history proves this. Mankind has fallen for so many misconceptions. The source of the evil that has been present all through the years has increased steadily, Trump is not the reason but his time as president is simply revealing how degrading and evil mankind has become. Liberalism, that so many follow in this country today is a disease that goes against everything Holy. Selfishness is the KEY that fuels the flames of hate. The world has an I Problem, I want, I need, I must have. Then the me issue, what about me, I want what you have! Wealthy people and corporations which use corruption to accumulate more wealth are evil as well, not all capitalists are dishonest and corrupt. Socialism is forsing others of means, to give up some of what is theirs, this is not freedom or charity, it is robbery. Government, through taxes, Robs from the rich to give to the poor.

"Divesitatis venit ex chao. Et chao discidii inter homines est."

Which translates into English as "with diversity comes chaos. With chaos comes disunity."
Farmer articles were2018

same thing!....I just grabbed the first one....there are to try again

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise
Aug 30, 2019 · Bankruptcies, foreclosures, depression and even suicide are some of the tragic consequences of these pressures. America’s family farmers — reduced in numbers since the Farm Crisis of the 1980s ...

Farmer suicides are on the rise; here’s how to help | MPR News
Dec 10, 2019 · Farmer suicides are on the rise; here’s how to help. A new program is training people in the agricultural community to reach out when they see a farmer struggling

Farm Crisis: Suicides Spike In Rural America As Trade War ...
The suicide rate among farmers is at an all-time high." ... The 2019/20 farm crisis is a repeat of the 1980s crisis; farmers back then had heavy debt loads with high stockpiles. Once the US slapped the Soviet Union with trade embargos, crop exports to the country collapsed and triggered an agriculture recession in the Midwest. ...

CDC: ‘Farm stress,’ suicides a rising rural health concern ...
May 14, 2019 · Suicides among farmers are 1.5 times higher than the national average, and could be higher because some farm suicides could be masked as farm-related accidents, according to the CDC. The CDC found a number of reasons why suicide rates among farmers and those who live in rural areas in general are higher than their urban counterparts.

Farmer suicides rising - Albert Lea Tribune | Albert Lea ...
Program training people in ag to help struggling farmers . By Kirsti Marohn, Minnesota Public Radio News Farmers, known for being stoic and self-reliant, might consider asking a friend or neighbor ..

Farm woes deepen in central United States
Jun 14, 2019 · WASHINGTON, D.C. — Farmers rarely have an easy year, let alone an easy life. But 2019 has so far been one for the record books. Souring trade with China and the mutual imposition of …

want more?.....hate to think you didn't really know what was going on in the world....but apparently you don't and like to keep your head in the...."sand"
same thing!....I just grabbed the first one....there are to try again

Amid Trump Tariffs, Farm Bankruptcies And Suicides Rise
Aug 30, 2019 · Bankruptcies, foreclosures, depression and even suicide are some of the tragic consequences of these pressures. America’s family farmers — reduced in numbers since the Farm Crisis of the 1980s ...

Farmer suicides are on the rise; here’s how to help | MPR News
Dec 10, 2019 · Farmer suicides are on the rise; here’s how to help. A new program is training people in the agricultural community to reach out when they see a farmer struggling

Farm Crisis: Suicides Spike In Rural America As Trade War ...
The suicide rate among farmers is at an all-time high." ... The 2019/20 farm crisis is a repeat of the 1980s crisis; farmers back then had heavy debt loads with high stockpiles. Once the US slapped the Soviet Union with trade embargos, crop exports to the country collapsed and triggered an agriculture recession in the Midwest. ...

CDC: ‘Farm stress,’ suicides a rising rural health concern ...
May 14, 2019 · Suicides among farmers are 1.5 times higher than the national average, and could be higher because some farm suicides could be masked as farm-related accidents, according to the CDC. The CDC found a number of reasons why suicide rates among farmers and those who live in rural areas in general are higher than their urban counterparts.

Farmer suicides rising - Albert Lea Tribune | Albert Lea ...
Program training people in ag to help struggling farmers . By Kirsti Marohn, Minnesota Public Radio News Farmers, known for being stoic and self-reliant, might consider asking a friend or neighbor ..

Farm woes deepen in central United States
Jun 14, 2019 · WASHINGTON, D.C. — Farmers rarely have an easy year, let alone an easy life. But 2019 has so far been one for the record books. Souring trade with China and the mutual imposition of …

want more?.....hate to think you didn't really know what was going on in the world....but apparently you don't and like to keep your head in the...."sand"

You posted causes for trump help I posted the help are you ever happy
You posted causes for trump help I posted the help are you ever happy

again you are twisting things to meet what you want to believe...first it was how much money they are making...I show you otherwise....then you said my articles were not current so I gave you a bunch more....and now this......

will you ever face reality?
again you are twisting things to meet what you want to believe...first it was how much money they are making...I show you otherwise....then you said my articles were not current so I gave you a bunch more....and now this......

will you ever face reality?
I posted article on how a banner year is forcast due livestock prices and Gov money's and you responded last year's rising suicide rate
I posted article on how a banner year is forcast due livestock prices and Gov money's and you responded last year's rising suicide rate

twisting things to suit your needs again.....5 or 6 article from even Dec 2019.....I wouldn't really call them last do realize that was only 2 months ago....and you are trying to forecast a banner year for next's a forecast...not a sure have not had it good in 50 your forecast doesn't really mean a lot......and won't help those that lost EVERYTHING this year

don't like being wrong do you
We are living in the end of times and it has nothing to do with Global Warming or President Trump. We have been warned, and the results of man's fall, all personally need to figure it out. Donald Trump is not the reason the end is at the door. Gun violence is on the rise, it has nothing to do with the gun. Violence has been in play for over 2000 years, history proves this. Mankind has fallen for so many misconceptions. The source of the evil that has been present all through the years has increased steadily, Trump is not the reason but his time as president is simply revealing how degrading and evil mankind has become. Liberalism, that so many follow in this country today is a disease that goes against everything Holy. Selfishness is the KEY that fuels the flames of hate. The world has an I Problem, I want, I need, I must have. Then the me issue, what about me, I want what you have! Wealthy people and corporations which use corruption to accumulate more wealth are evil as well, not all capitalists are dishonest and corrupt. Socialism is forsing others of means, to give up some of what is theirs, this is not freedom or charity, it is robbery. Government, through taxes, Robs from the rich to give to the poor.
Wow, glad I'm not an OLD man, damn! Glad I'm in the Millennial generation who believe in Climate change, which has been going on for years! Just so damn bad that your Racist-in-chief Donald Trump cannot see it! There have been so many warnings that still today, you have some Americans that STILL don't believe in climate change, though most of them that don't believe it are the OLD folks who have ONE foot in the grave hence like Donald Trump! Gun violence is on the rise BECAUSE Congress WON'T step up to the NRA and come out with more strict gun laws! But, when you have the NRA's money in your pocket though, you HAVE to do what the NRA tells you to do, which is what MOST of the politicians in Congress end up doing! By the way, the Rich aren't robbed of anything! Just because somebody is rich, that means he or she shouldn't pay ANY taxes like Trump, huh? As a matter of fact, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and etc. do not mind paying taxes though, so any other rich individual shouldn't MIND that either! Furthermore, that money gap between the Rich and the poor just keeps getting bigger and bigger year after year continuously!
what would you expect....look at what we have for commander n thief.....

Air ******* suicides surged last year to highest in 3 ...*******-suicides-surged-last...
12 hours ago · Air ******* officials, who confirmed the 2019 total, said they knew of no higher number in recent years. Data and studies previously published by the Pentagon and Air ******* show that 64 suicides

Air ******* suicide rate: Air ******* orders first ever day ...*******-suicide-rate-air-*******-orders-first-ever-day...
Aug 01, 2019 · Pentagon — The Air ******* is dealing with an epidemic of suicide.So far this year, there have been 30 more suicides among airmen than there were by this time last year. "We lose more airmen to ...

some leader we have...…...people would rather die than live with his policies

Suicide Is Rising Among American Farmers As They Struggle ...
May 16, 2018 · Suicide Is Rising Among American Farmers As They Struggle To Keep Afloat Farm-state lawmakers are concerned that political fighting about the "Farm Bill" could endanger a …

Farmers in America are facing an economic and mental ...
Jun 29, 2018 · Recent data on spiking suicide rates in farmers have been retracted, but advocates say ag biz faces a crisis not seen in 30 years ... Democrats defend Pelosi for ripping up Trump's speech ...

Suicide Rates Are Up in Almost Every State, and Donald ...
Jun 14, 2018 · Montana had the highest suicide rate in 2016: 25.9 deaths per 100,000 residents. New Jersey had the lowest rate: 7.2 per 100,000. California, a populous state, had the most suicides: 4,294

Addressing Suicide and Depression Under a Trump ...
Suicide rates
are on the rise. There are more self-inflicted gun violence incidents now than firearm murders in the U.S. Overdoses are wreaking havoc on rural areas. LGBTQ individuals are at great risk for suicide. Veterans are dying by suicide every day, and depression in the homeless community is alarmingly high. Suicide is not just a United States problem either. It is a global one.
Military suicide rates going up like that? With the crazy guy that we have as President, unfortunately, others have to suffer the consequences!
The election might end up ust as a fiasco as the Iowa primary? In excess of $1 Billion US spent for the entire process and potentially a few IT nerds abroad be able to throw a monkey-wrench to sabotage the whole thing? :unsure:

There is no real security out there. Because if someone was that skilled why not hack multinationals for millions of dollars? And they are ask Visa and Target?
There is REAL security out there, @STIFFBBC! I just stated it in my post that you responded too! Just so happens that most of the STATES aren't using the technology, whereas some are! By the way, Visa and Target may be using the technology now, but I DEFINITELY know that Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are using it RIGHT NOW as well as Walmart! For those STATES that were smart enough to use the technology for their election systems had flawless elections and was HACK-FREE, which is VERY important! The ONLY country smart enough to use it RIGHT NOW is China, making the U.S. very behind on that!
twisting things to suit your needs again.....5 or 6 article from even Dec 2019.....I wouldn't really call them last do realize that was only 2 months ago....and you are trying to forecast a banner year for next's a forecast...not a sure have not had it good in 50 your forecast doesn't really mean a lot......and won't help those that lost EVERYTHING this year

don't like being wrong do you

Maybe you should read walt
Hmmm, looks like Republican Senators didn't try hard enough to stop Trump! They should have known that he doesn't think before reacting!

they don't have the balls to say anything....he has them whipped and afraid of his twitter storms....besides even before the impeachment vote he said he was going to clean house.....saying something now is like locking the gate after the dog got out
Wow, glad I'm not an OLD man, damn! Glad I'm in the Millennial generation who believe in Climate change, which has been going on for years! Just so damn bad that your Racist-in-chief Donald Trump cannot see it! There have been so many warnings that still today, you have some Americans that STILL don't believe in climate change, though most of them that don't believe it are the OLD folks who have ONE foot in the grave hence like Donald Trump! Gun violence is on the rise BECAUSE Congress WON'T step up to the NRA and come out with more strict gun laws! But, when you have the NRA's money in your pocket though, you HAVE to do what the NRA tells you to do, which is what MOST of the politicians in Congress end up doing! By the way, the Rich aren't robbed of anything! Just because somebody is rich, that means he or she shouldn't pay ANY taxes like Trump, huh? As a matter of fact, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and etc. do not mind paying taxes though, so any other rich individual shouldn't MIND that either! Furthermore, that money gap between the Rich and the poor just keeps getting bigger and bigger year after year continuously!


As I stated in my previous post, others who feel that Climate change is NOT real are those are old! They cannot see the TRUTH if it hit him BULLS-EYE in the head like dimwit Trump! When I see glaciers melting in Antarctica, that is indeed climate change FIRSTHAND! C'mon, should it really be that HOT that glaciers are melting? Man himself is the CAUSE of climate change! It just so happens that the EARTH is reacting to it, which is NOT GOOD! So, yes, Climate change is REAL and DEFINITELY not a hoax! Older people should ALSO be a shame of themselves that YOUNG folks like myself have to try and make sure our country is held accountable regarding climate change when it should be OLDER people doing that instead! By the way, I would like to THANK the young teen, Greta Thunberg, for doing such a wonderful job trying to let these OLD knuckleheads know how climate change is hurting the world! She is a TRUE champion indeed! This link even SHOWS the facts regarding Climate change:

By the way, that Quora did state some true RACIAL problems that Trump has, so that was very good!
Last edited:
Maybe you should read walt

I have come to the conclusion a long time will ..or post any article you can to make the liar n thief look good...….sorry just ain't going to happen.....there are not enough right wing articles in the country to do that
There is REAL security out there, @STIFFBBC! I just stated it in my post that you responded too! Just so happens that most of the STATES aren't using the technology, whereas some are! By the way, Visa and Target may be using the technology now, but I DEFINITELY know that Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are using it RIGHT NOW as well as Walmart! For those STATES that were smart enough to use the technology for their election systems had flawless elections and was HACK-FREE, which is VERY important! The ONLY country smart enough to use it RIGHT NOW is China, making the U.S. very behind on that!
Build a better security system @BlkCumsHeavy and there will be those out there determined to break / breach it. Kevin Mitnick would greatly disagree with you. ( And be sure to watch the video as he spied on the FBI just to make certain that they were not closing in on him, he turned his friend's landline phone into a pay phone where it demanded 25 cents to make a call, he hacks corporate systems not to steal anything but just for fun, and he claims an 100% effectiveness to hack any system. Don't worry though he is one of the good guys now and he is an ethical hacker now hired out to companies to strengthen their security now.

I sense you are in IT so you might be aware that there is an entire industry to hack into software and hardware.
( breach )
( )

Even on youtube there is a video for a course that can teach you compromise and hack passwords, exploit databases, hacking application servers, compromise serialization bugs in Java & PHP, and much more. Plus that isn't even in the dark webs where I don't surf.

It might not be China, but Israel hacked into Iran through it's computer worm Stuxnet too by the way as well not too long ago discovered in 2010 too by the way. I wonder how China would fair against it?
( ) :unsure:
Build a better security system @BlkCumsHeavy and there will be those out there determined to break / breach it. Kevin Mitnick would greatly disagree with you. ( And be sure to watch the video as he spied on the FBI just to make certain that they were not closing in on him, he turned his friend's landline phone into a pay phone where it demanded 25 cents to make a call, he hacks corporate systems not to steal anything but just for fun, and he claims an 100% effectiveness to hack any system. Don't worry though he is one of the good guys now and he is an ethical hacker now hired out to companies to strengthen their security now.

I sense you are in IT so you might be aware that there is an entire industry to hack into software and hardware.
( breach )
( )

Even on youtube there is a video for a course that can teach you compromise and hack passwords, exploit databases, hacking application servers, compromise serialization bugs in Java & PHP, and much more. Plus that isn't even in the dark webs where I don't surf.

It might not be China, but Israel hacked into Iran through it's computer worm Stuxnet too by the way as well not too long ago discovered in 2010 too by the way. I wonder how China would fair against it?
( ) :unsure:
Apparently, you haven't heard of Blockchain, @STIFFBBC, huh? Now, that DEFINITELY cannot be hacked because it's on an entirely different system! Now, you have had some folks who have had their crypto hacked into, but that is because they were DUMB enough to keep it stored on an exchange, which cannot PREVENT hackers from getting into their PRIVATE KEYS! By the way, Mitnick DOESN'T even know anything about Blockchain or cryptocurrency! I bet he doesn't even understand how it is that Blockchain CANNOT be hacked! A top HACKER in the world tried to hack into the Blockchain technology, BUT couldn't do it! First of all, Blockchain has a 24-hour algorithm that changes the code, so the key is trying to figure out what the code is hourly plus is more to that! That's why I keep saying, "USE BLOCKCHAIN" for the voting systems as well as health care! I assume that you're clueless about Blockchain!
As I stated in my previous post, others who feel that Climate change is NOT real are those are old! They cannot see the TRUTH if it hit him BULLS-EYE in the head like dimwit Trump! When I see glaciers melting in Antarctica, that is indeed climate change FIRSTHAND! C'mon, should it really be that HOT that glaciers are melting? Man himself is the CAUSE of climate change! It just so happens that the EARTH is reacting to it, which is NOT GOOD! So, yes, Climate change is REAL and DEFINITELY not a hoax! Older people should ALSO be a shame of themselves that YOUNG folks like myself have to try and make sure our country is held accountable regarding climate change when it should be OLDER people doing that instead! By the way, I would like to THANK the young teen, Greta Thunberg, for doing such a wonderful job trying to let these OLD knuckleheads know how climate change is hurting the world! She is a TRUE champion indeed! This link even SHOWS the facts regarding Climate change:

By the way, that Quora did state some true RACIAL problems that Trump has, so that was very good!