Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

lack of attention....already posted the laws several times....once for the board...once for stiff....and another for???

no you have never shared any facts....but I just consider the source...… remember the tv show Rowan and Matins laugh-in...….well you are is hottobe's laugh at!

the Clintons...the right has been trying to get something on for over 20 years....trump has re-opened a lot of the investigations again.....and found nothing....kind of like the substance of you do know that there are 2 people serving long prison terms for believing all that Russian propaganda...….last one in NY...went into a pizza joint..held everyone at gunpoint...demanding to be taken to the basement where all the Clinton porn was at...….place didn't even have a basement....but like you he bought into all the bullshit the right and Russia puts out and now serving time...when he gets out he won't be able to vote for anyone...let alone trump!

and again as for Sanders ….you have no idea what you are talking about......and that issue has been talked about on here several times....but either your memory or your attention span just can't process facts...….so there's just more of hottobe's laugh-at

have a nice day and go back to the cultcave and see what else they want you to say

Dem horseshite doesn’t count.
I said it once and I’ll say it again :

Dems purporting to the defending the Constitution make me wanna puke 🤢
hope you do it in your lap...where the rest of your ******* should go,,,,the right has always destroyed any part of the constitution they don't like and can't the trump impeachment....the law doesn't fit them right now so it is no good....if a dem was there you would want to follow the constitution....your one sided argument makes you want to puke...hopefully in your own lap
hope you do it in your lap...where the rest of your ******* should go,,,,the right has always destroyed any part of the constitution they don't like and can't the trump impeachment....the law doesn't fit them right now so it is no good....if a dem was there you would want to follow the constitution....your one sided argument makes you want to puke...hopefully in your own lap

The ONLY time Dems like the Constitution is if they can POSSIBLY use it to their advantage.
what bothers you is the dems do tell the truth...something the right is against and shys away from....trump being a good example....but question is did he give it to the right...or did the right give it to him....kind of like the chicken and the egg

Dems wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them in the arse. I swear you people are from another planet.
The ONLY time Dems like the Constitution is if they can POSSIBLY use it to their advantage.

careful your stupidity is slipping out...….who in the hell do you think writes all these sure isn't the worker....and just like trumps new tax law....see anything in there to benefit the working person...

Republicans love the Constitution -- except for the parts ...
Republican politicians have a few glaring blind spots when it comes to the Constitution. One of those is the 14th Amendment, a pillar of our inclusive democracy, a key component of which ...
Either we follow the United States Constitution or throw the whole thing out and take away all our Rights. I do not support violence or White Supremacist Groups
Interesting & a bit confusing, then, why you'd even consider supporting Donald Trump, as he wishes to do just about that, starting with our Voting Rights. No telling what has been discussed privately with VPutin in their private meetings, but I'd bet a testicle some discussions related to our Constitution & Rights have been discussed between them. Trump will consider anything that benefits Trump, even our Rights (as long as it doesn't involve his).
Funny all the ******* talk doesn’t calhange the fact the tRump IS impeached. And will be forever. His tombstone will read:

“Here lies Donald John Trump, 45th President of the United States the 3rd President to be impeached, and the only one in his first term.”

None of the trump fan boy rhetoric, photoshopped memes attacking Dems, Pelosi,& Schiff, cries of a biased Democratic house, Fox propaganda videos, cult brain washing videos, or even his best friend Vlad can change that. It’s will be in the history books for eternity. So everyone can claim and say whatever they want. THE FACTS are he is impeached. Happy Sunday.
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the real shame in all this is the republicans.....they have no defense for his crimes...he is guilty and they know what do they complain about.....the dems and what they did and didn't do...….similar to letting a killer off scott free because they forgot t I said...put your head back in the bad things won't effect you....OR run to the cult cave!

It’s funny too, for guy that narrowly won by less than 100,000 votes across 4 states, the cult followers sure are confident that he is some domination ******* that can’t be beat when really he didn’t even win convincingly... WITH help from Russia, and the FBI announcement of the HRC investigation reopening. I’m curious as to what they are so confident about.

They have no defense for much else. They can’t even keep up with the nonsense, lies and fabrications. Broken half his campaign promises, and lied about the rest. For example. Last I checked, Hillary, after MANY MANY investigations, media attacks tRump as president trying to influence the justice department... seems to me Hillary is still walking around a free woman. Far from being locked up. 🤔🤔what happened? HRC is Free...😂😂😂

Hows that wall coming? 😂😂😂And the parts of the fencing that have been REPLACED... did Mexico pay us back for that or...🤔🤔🤔 asking for a friend. As I’ve said on here a few times. Cult followers tend to follow at their own peril in the end. I’ve not heard of a cult where all’s well that ends well. I’ve not heard that cult story. Maybe this one ends differently. 🤷🏾‍♂️
The infection of socialist indoctrination of public schools that started 20 years ago is paying off for the Socialist party, I find most all college Professors teach Socialism to the young, and admire the way the party changes history, as the young never seek the truth, They simply blindly follow the group think. The young for the most part are void of Historical Fact, Lack any basic understanding of Capitalism or how it works. They seem to follow the Socialist cry of people are still poor and need two jobs to make ends meet, Nationally nationwide many have risen out of the poverty level. The worst states for Jobs that pay are the Democratic run Socialist States, the Northeast except Mass, and the Industrial mid west Illinois and Michigan. Almost everyone in the South is having a booming uptick in wage and benefits. NH, Maine, and Vermont, are the worst paying and high taxed states in the northeast. This is do to years of Democrat leaders. Cities like Detroit and Chicago, are high crimes and depressed with housing blight, crime and ******* are rampart. And that is Socialism, only those high in the party live well, everyone else lives at or below poverty. Another thing Hitler, Mao, all called it Gun Control. It is really about Disarming a Population, So they have less to resit with as Socialism sweeps the land. Our children have been DE Educated, Lied too, and told stories of Fantasy about the Glory of Socialism. I only hope America wakes up, before we all wake up one day to discover the great Nation of America is gone.

The infection of socialist indoctrination of public schools that started 20 years ago is paying off for the Socialist party, I find most all college Professors teach Socialism to the young, and admire the way the party changes history, as the young never seek the truth, They simply blindly follow the group think. The young for the most part are void of Historical Fact, Lack any basic understanding of Capitalism or how it works. They seem to follow the Socialist cry of people are still poor and need two jobs to make ends meet, Nationally nationwide many have risen out of the poverty level. The worst states for Jobs that pay are the Democratic run Socialist States, the Northeast except Mass, and the Industrial mid west Illinois and Michigan. Almost everyone in the South is having a booming uptick in wage and benefits. NH, Maine, and Vermont, are the worst paying and high taxed states in the northeast. This is do to years of Democrat leaders. Cities like Detroit and Chicago, are high crimes and depressed with housing blight, crime and ******* are rampart. And that is Socialism, only those high in the party live well, everyone else lives at or below poverty. Another thing Hitler, Mao, all called it Gun Control. It is really about Disarming a Population, So they have less to resit with as Socialism sweeps the land. Our children have been DE Educated, Lied too, and told stories of Fantasy about the Glory of Socialism. I only hope America wakes up, before we all wake up one day to discover the great Nation of America is gone.

This is how nationalism and populism become fascism.

History is clear — people who empower autocrats for their own personal benefit end up destroyed later. Either the system itself devours them or when it collapses, as it always does, the return of justice and democracy punishes them. Look at the early days of the Soviet Union, the French Revolution, and Nazi Germany. Look at the people who played along or didn’t speak out, only to later find themselves victims of the system they helped create.

The Washington Post has argued that America is not yet a kleptocracy because it maintains checks and balances and a rule of law. But the Trump regime is still demonstrating kleptocratic tendencies and pursuing policies more familiar with governments like Russia in the way it systematically moves money from the state to a small group of people.

In the end, Trump’s entanglement with other kleptocratic regimes and the extent to which he used the presidency to enrich himself and his family will be exposed. Those around him will fall, and order will be returned. But along the way, the United States will become a poorer place, economically and socially
. It will be saddled with national debts that will haunt future generations, who will be ****** to repay what Trump’s government borrowed to enrich the already rich.

The Trump Kleptocracy
The presidency is officially a cash grab — and a pitstop on the way to autocracy
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a right winger ...who has already apologized for some crazy comments......and off Fox news....I'm sure that is all tue