Trump lost moving on with new year go Biden

Ukrainian Official: Trump Looking for Dirt ‘To Discredit ...
7 days ago · Ukraine officials see no indication Biden or his ******* broke their laws. If Trump wants them investigated in Kyiv, his government will need to say why and what for. KYIV—Ukraine is ready to ...

Donald Trump broke the law again and his staff happily ...
Aug 31, 2019 · “The Trump administration is slow-walking $250 million in military assistance to Ukraine, annoying lawmakers and advocates who argue the funding is critical to keeping Russia at bay.” [ Politico ]
Had to get all that in before "stiff Irkel" starts posting his movies....he goes on a rampag anytime some one mentions any bad against trump

you guys are funny......between stiff irkel flooding things with anti democrat *******...…..Bldlaur throwing to be....stating false facts.....all of you had to know he was just a little bit corrupt and just didn't want to admit it....I'm betting.....the way things are going......the noose is going to get a lot tighter....if the Russian phone calls come out....going to lose a lot of his support on the hill

I didn't know Pelosi was pushing for all his foreign phone calls....and under impeachment not a lot his lawyers can do

there are still things he could do to block the bullet....but I think right now they are all flustered and caught off gaurd
and the days of civil discourse on here must be over with all those feelings that are hurt.....and me pushing the knife....but then I am just posting the news same as always...…..just not what you want to hear!
Just your normal petty way of flooding the threads with ******* because you can not figure out what to say with your hero in trouble… have no defense so you just post *******
Donald Trump ?? is in no trouble at all just as it might appear foolish for a chess master to sacrifice a piece in a game of chess, one realizes his/her logic doing so after they win the game because of it. But Pelosi's "Hail Mary" maneuvre should appear damaging to the Dems when Trump is not convicted for anything.
Mmmm….now starting to look like might have to add cover up....and could include barr

I'm just loving this...….you know stiff is just crying the blues....always does when he goes on one of those posting tears with novels and movies....what 4 pages.....and all I have to post is a couple of links

and then you have blkdlaur crying.....just another fine day for me....trump might have got off pretty easy....but now...???
he is digging a hole he may not be able to climb out of....and his army of lawyers will do him no good here....can't buy....bribe...or blackmail his way out of this....well there are a lot of republicans that have shown they are for sale