TRUMP is baaaaaaaaaaaack !!!!!

I asked you to speak specifically. What riots are you speaking of...and please do include that number you used the first time.
You know of what I speak - Republicans called for inquiries but Dems forestalled that.

Only riot your party is interested in is January 6th cause again it suits their purpose.

Your party is terrified of Donald Trump and will do ANYTHING to stop him from running again - it’s so obvious it’s painful.
committee chair is saying donald trump's congressional allies blocked an independent investigation, as there was on 9/11

which sounds absolutely true to me
oh ******* liz cheney coming in hard with the receipts, saying trump was in favor of the riot

which I also totally believe
hooooly *******!

supporters were saying "hang mike pence", and liz cheney says trump's response was "maybe he deserves it"
not quite.

social security is still solvent and is projected to be so for decades, and can be made solvent again in the future easily just by raising the cap on contributions

the part that's confusing is that social security works as a massive country-wide pension, and doesn't leave cash on hand to depreciate; it buys T-bills (recognized as the safest interest-bearing security on the planet).

so with shady accounting practices, you can pretend the social security has less money than it does or that it pays into the federal budget (which it doesn't unless you think your 401(k) pays into the federal budget)

I read somewhere that it was low on money......probably another republican ploy....i didn't pay alot of attention

I remember when reagan went in front of congress and lied.....tip O'neil tried to fight it...........but reagan like trump had the gift to gab and sold a bill of good to the american people......that money never went to social security....reagon used it to run the country

Ronald Reagan and The Great Social Security Heist

  • Reagan’s scare tactics worked. Congress passed the Social Security Amendments of 1983, which included a hefty increase in the payroll tax rate. The tax increase was designed to generate large Social Security surpluses for the next 30 years. The public was led to believe that the surplus money would be saved and invested in marketable U.S. Treasury ...