The wife is 5 weeks prego

any update on the baby bump? its been 5months since your last post...
so much fake threads on here, ******* can be scary
i rather people post fun stuff...i once remember a group chat I follow (nothing to do with bbc :)) that someone was posting about how great a gold color paper clip is. and it started a whole series of hilarious responses. It was so funny....
Over the years I have been with a few hotwives that were pregnant and I was treating that pussy like it was possible to knock her up again! With all the turbulence and rainfall 🌧 that I was causing inside that womb I know those b@bies came out with a degree in meteorology!♠️
This baby should be 1 YO by now. Lets see some baby pics and pics of her pregnant.

Suspect this is BS from another unverified poser who has stated in the past his "wife" is a CPA, Flight Attendant and a high end real estate agent.