Animals living into a social community are sometimes assigned ranks in ethology studies. The male in the highest rank is designated as the Alpha, and the rest of individuals in the same social group show deference or subordinate behaviors towards him. Alphas achieve their status by superior physical strength and aggression, something that allow them to gain preferential access to food and other desirable goods, like sex. It is well known that, in some species, only alphas reproduce or have more chances to have sex with the available females. This natural selection developed because strong males will produce an offspring with more chances for survival.
However, there is a myth about the alpha/beta dichotomy. It is believed that a Beta male is a submissive unable to get the attention of females. But among some species, the Beta is the next most ferocious and aggressive male after the Alpha. He is usually younger and not so strong, but still a ******* to be reckoned with. Actually, it is the Omega the lowest caste of the hierarchical society. Omegas are subordinate to all others in the community, and are expected by others in the group to remain submissive to everyone. Omega animals are not able to have an offspring and enjoy the lowest priority when distributing food.
In Western countries, globalization has made different races coexist in the same societies, and thus certain races tacitly and unquestionably have assumed the Alpha role, while others are being relegated to be omegas. White men’s acceptance of their inferior sexual status is closely related with the political correctness and the wave of multiculturalism that led to many of them allying themselves with the progressive politics, favoring disenfranchised minorities. White guilt rapidly spread all around Europe: while white men have opened their minds to this masochistic philosophy, white women have opened their tights to the superior black penises.
White man brought slavery and colonialism. He oppressed white woman and brought genocide to many races, and now he has to accept his own annihilation. This radical shift on ideology led to African males being the most sexually active. PC culture dominates politics and nobody dares to discuss why the interracial activity among young white women is increasing tremendously with no end in sight. Feminism has robbed white men of their natural baser instincts (sense of possession, competitiveness and territoriality) and being tolerant by PC’s standards has feminized them. White man’s fear to be considered racist is greater that their fear to become an omega male, and the acceptance of this fate provides them a masturbatory gratification in return.
Racism is just a desperate attempt of white man to suppress a competitor and to avoid being replaced, something that shows how threatened he feels. Not without reason. With the rise of feminism, women are increasingly embracing the black superiority. As the majority of African migrants are males (around 70%), and they are arriving to Europe in growing numbers, soon there will be an important sexual imbalance in the continent (in Sweden there are 123 boys for every 100 girls among 16 and 17-year-olds). And this means more sexual competition.
It is a common complain among Caucasian men that “their” women prefer to engage with Black males. Nobody doubts Black sexual superiority, but some white boys argue that white privilege make them more capable to maintain a woman and her offspring. However, the vast majority of women prefer a sexual predator than a loyal omega that provides enough for her. What is the genetic reason of the success of alpha/thuggish males?
According to ‘The Selfish Gene’ by Richard Dawkins, genes are the basis of heredity in sexual reproduction, and those that provide surviving or reproductive advantages will tend to be inherited by an increasing number of individuals. A male who has sex with a fertile woman every day could potentially have 270 children in a nine month period while a woman can only have one. Therefore, a woman will always be attracted to a “bull” because, at an instinctive level, she knows those superior genetic traits will be passed onto her sons who will carry half of her DNA and spread her genetic legacy.
Therefore the best evolutionary strategy for woman is not to have sex with just a loyal hardworking man, but to have sex with the attractive man who are most successful at getting lots of women, because her sons will be sexually successful as well. This reproductive model obviously implies there will be many omega men unwittingly investing in parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own, namely the cuckolds.
This term derives from the cuckoo bird, alluding to its habit of laying its eggs in other birds’ nests. The European common cuckoo is a brood parasite, meaning that they only reproduce in this way. Their chicks grow faster and in most cases evict the eggs or young of the host species. In human societies, cuckolding is a sexual behavior that allows Alpha males to spread their superior seed among a great number of wombs, without any restriction related with their ability to provide resources to women. It is a new step in social evolution that dissociates the sexual intercourse from an economic logic.
Sexuality is only one aspect and a means to express submission and hierarchy. For many people, cuckolding is far more than a sexual fetish, it is emotional and intellectual by its very nature. It touches the very core of a marriage and fulfills the most basic instinctual needs of both partners.
Interracial porn only tells a part of the story. The images of the overwhelming sexual superiority of black males represent what any white woman desires, to be owned by a true man and relish the natural gift of surrender, but in this ritual of submission cuckolds also find their place. Their omega roles are recognized into a natural hierarchy. The marriage gets structure and order, a change to be exactly who they are without judgment, and the freedom to explore their deepest desires, whether a simple shared depravity or the opportunity to get someone else to take control.
Europe is into an inevitably historical breaking point, as all the civilizations that were overcome. In this sexual struggle for being the new Alpha males, Black men have no competitors. Sooner or later, by simple natural law, white women will be on the side of the victors. White men can do nothing more than watching. This is not a fetish, it is an unquestionable natural *******, and it won’t end until the last white woman will be black bred.