The Great Cuckold Project

Hello Cuckold Guys

I have been in the lifestyle for a long time and I have met a lot of people, including some really amazing friendships.

One of the people I met is a woman named Goddess Rain - and she is training cuckolds right now on another site. We have known each other for a very long time and when she asked me how I train cuckolds - I gave her a lot of advice.

She has taken that advice and started a Cuckold Project.

the goal of the project is to help cuckold men practice how to be a real cuckold in real life.
That means, no more late night fantasies by yourself watching porn.

This is the real deal - and all the cuckolds are learning
- how to talk to women the right way
- how to date as a cuckold
- how to start the cuckold conversation
- and how to introduce the woman to the bull

I think this is an awesome project and thought that Id share it with this community as well :)

Anyone that is involved in the cuckold life - or anyone that is interested in it - please leave a comment and also share your location.

thanks and have a great day :)
We interested in the participating
After my wife and her new lover are comfortable in their long term relationship he and I have been discussing bringing her best friend into the relationship. I'm basically her best friends cuckold already. I do all the boyfriend things for her and she gets late night booty calls from Black guys. I'd prefer she gets booty calls from my wifes lover.
After my wife and her new lover are comfortable in their long term relationship he and I have been discussing bringing her best friend into the relationship. I'm basically her best friends cuckold already. I do all the boyfriend things for her and she gets late night booty calls from Black guys. I'd prefer she gets booty calls from my wifes lover.
ty for providing the clarification at the end of your statement.

when you said, "I have been discussing bringing her best friend into the mix" I was actually concerned. But knowing that you are already her cuckold and that your wife approves and supports your efforts - that is actually a REALLY SMART idea!! So good on you for doing that.

you are correct.

I'm curious to hear women's reactions to this statement, but I have done a lot of research into human psychology and human behavior, and sexual behavior plays a big part of that. From what Ive researched and also seen in real life - women feel better and more comfortable around men they have already had sex with. The simple act of putting your penis inside a woman's vagina is "disarming."

Basically women have 100foot walls to ALL MEN, but the moment you have sex with her - all of those walls come down. She has already done her pre-screening and vetting. Which is also why women that don't have a good "sense" of people - can get themselves into a lot of trouble, mainly because they end up trusting the wrong type of man.

That's not a woman's fault - I blame society and education more for not teaching women how to decipher between an honorably guy and a psychopath. Imagine if that was a course in High School - "How to Decode a Psychopath"

One bull - many wives has been the formula for thousands of years.

So why do modern societies try to go against evolutionary psychology?
ty for providing the clarification at the end of your statement.

when you said, "I have been discussing bringing her best friend into the mix" I was actually concerned. But knowing that you are already her cuckold and that your wife approves and supports your efforts - that is actually a REALLY SMART idea!! So good on you for doing that.

you are correct.

I'm curious to hear women's reactions to this statement, but I have done a lot of research into human psychology and human behavior, and sexual behavior plays a big part of that. From what Ive researched and also seen in real life - women feel better and more comfortable around men they have already had sex with. The simple act of putting your penis inside a woman's vagina is "disarming."

Basically women have 100foot walls to ALL MEN, but the moment you have sex with her - all of those walls come down. She has already done her pre-screening and vetting. Which is also why women that don't have a good "sense" of people - can get themselves into a lot of trouble, mainly because they end up trusting the wrong type of man.

That's not a woman's fault - I blame society and education more for not teaching women how to decipher between an honorably guy and a psychopath. Imagine if that was a course in High School - "How to Decode a Psychopath"

One bull - many wives has been the formula for thousands of years.

So why do modern societies try to go against evolutionary psychology?
They joke around that I'm her rent a boyfriend. Except I don't get anything in return so I'd least like to know that the Black bull that's fucking her is a friend of mine. I know he'll treat her good in and out of bed.
They joke around that I'm her rent a boyfriend. Except I don't get anything in return so I'd least like to know that the Black bull that's fucking her is a friend of mine. I know he'll treat her good in and out of bed.
OMG!! YES, yes, yes

This is the mantra that I want all cuckolds to repeat.

"At least she's fucking a friend of mine, so I know he'll treat her right in bed"

Yes! when I meet cuckolds like you - its a happy day.

There are a lot of bulls in the world - most of them TALK A BIG GAME - but can't back it up
- most women will back me up on that

then there are the bulls that are just selfish men

And then there are the rare bulls that care about women - and just want to show them a good time

if you aren't following this bull - then let me recommend you follow him ASAP