In the 1960’s my parents owned the Blackhawk Motel on Route 66 and Wolf Rd In Illinois. We rented to many interracial couples. One handsome 6’5” black man always registered as Dr. Washington. His partners were all beautiful blonde women. I remember him renting the same room 4 times in one day each time with a different lady. As a teen I envied him.
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I love this thread and the name makes me giggle to myself. The city I grew up in had a seedy bar/motel called the Blackhawk. It had a huge lit sign of a chief head like the Chicago Blackhawks hockey team logo in the parking lot. It had very dated mid 70's vintage décor throughout. Inner city black men apparently frequented there to pick up Caucasian women and sell weed. It had the nickname on the streets as the 'Black Cock Motel'. If only the walls could talk in that Blackhawk Motel. Many, probably countless women and wanton wives have had memorable experiences there they will certainly never forget. I'd like to say the place still exists, but a close friend told me years ago that an electrical fault burned it to the ground. :(
In the 1960’s my parents owned the Blackhawk Motel on Route 66 and Wolf Rd In Illinois. We rented to many interracial couples. One handsome 6’5” black man always registered as Dr. Washington. His partners were all beautiful blonde women. I remember him renting the same room 4 times in one day each time with a different lady. As a teen I envied him.
Sounds like a lot of Lucky women accompanied him to his motel room