The appeal of raw ******* behavior when having intense sexual relations with a stranger

People go to the zoo for the temporary thrill of seeing and having fun with the animals, knowing they can leave and go back to their normal lives anytime they wish to and keep a firm distance from the animals after they have seen and done enough. They would obviously stay clear of these creatures and avoid at all costs if they had an unexpected encounter with one out there in the real world. But in the zoo. it is different, its all good. They have fun with the animals, take in the smell of them and enjoy their raw strength and physicality. They spend two or three hours there getting off on the fun of being around and amusing themselves with the animals, then they go home, have a proper shower to cleanse themselves and return to their normal safe lives.

So as I was saying, they come and have all their fun and enjoyment, like they are at the zoo, playing with the animals and going buck-wild. To many of the women who come here, the black males here to them are little more than hairless apes with huge genitalia and they come here for that. Also white men come here to feed their wives and girlfriends ravished by these "creatures". They go wild in these places, get their rocks off, and then go home and have a shower to properly cleanse themselves and then go back to normal civilized society where they keeps the blacks at a safe distance, yet happily mix and mingle with americans of other ethnicities and even immigrants and foreigners and tourists etc.

They come to places like this and hide because they don't want the embarrassment or taboo of associating openly with fellow black citizens. Surprisingly or not, they happily associate, date, hang out with, introduce to friends, work colleagues, family etc with Americans of other races and even people from other countries very openly. No need to hide or to come to sites such as this.

A few quotes below bear out the point I'm making:

"To the OP, sorry to burst your bubble, but thinking earning potential has anything to do with the success of IR dating is pure bull. Asian men factually work harder and are more family oriented than white guys. A white man feels the threat from a more economically viable asian man than himself. Some latino men (esp US born) with decent jobs can also make their mark in this area. The black man is a joke. He is no threat to the white man's economic clout, just an ******* for the white woman to play with. I do agree with you about the hotness of some Eurasian woman, though"

Quote from a white woman":
"...Basically white women don't even care about your feelings neither your soul, only your dick size and animalistic sex with you. I'm 100% BBC addicted, but I would never date a black guy."

Quoted from an IR site (not this one)
"... thing ya got to know is those types of interracial sex sites are full of white women who go there for pounding animalistic sex with BBC males (BBC meaning big black cock, in case you didn't know), and then after, over a bottle of wine, they gossip about it with their curious friends who are dying to know about the size of the penises of the black man their friend has just fucked. Strange thing is, these women would never date or be seen with a black man in public, but just go to those sites to use them like sexual objects and get off in the process."

So black man I ask you, what type are you? A buck or a bull (through your eyes) or a big-dicked hairless ape who they only need for one thing and then want nothing more to do with as far as normal society is concerned (through their eyes)?
Ohhh...and here's another "gem" that I left out:

".. I know. Many of the ppl who visits these types of sites have quite backward ideas about blacks, even in these supposedly modern and enlightened times" As one wrote, they think of black males as sexual predators and barbarians. Yet you find them all over sites like these looking for interracial porn.
If only blacks could be a fly and the wall and listen to the way whites talk about them among themselves....and the way they talk about blacks to other races and other nationalities, none of them would come to places like this.

@rufusv Some of the comments and mentality you have exposed on here is the underbelly and ugliness of human warped psyche. I suspect you subscribe to this backward doctrine and hence to expose it on here but you are in a small diminishing portion of society who will soon be extinct.

There are many people who are white, asian or what have you who do not think nor believe and feel this way although i understand that their is a small 30% minority of white supremist who do think and feel this way.

The fact is all over the planet earth people who happen to be white are only about 1 to 11 who happen to have darker pigmentation and the amount of time that europeans have had economic dominance is very short compared to early african and middle eastern nations as discussed in the judeo christian bible which went on for millienias in mostly peace.

I happen to do know the racist and ignorant thoughts and feelings of some people both white and black as Ive read alot of white supremacist literature online but i know those individuals are the savage primitive apes who havent evolved to understand we are all of the same human family and shouldn’t discriminate because of outward skin hue when flipped inside out we all look the same.

The ignorant and incorrect beliefs because thats what they are on black people not being family oriented or hard working with social economic status is also completely false. Black Americans themselves collectively are almost the 7th richest nation in the workd with GDP which can buy and sell some European nations had we all put a dollar in a collection jar some place.

There is a good book called “Dont believe the hype” by Faria Chidea I suggest you read that flips over, refutes facually, and blows up all of those ignorant comments you have exposed.

You are tagged for propaganda pushing and be careful to watch what u continue to post as these beliefs are not welcomed here and will not be tolerated. I only leave them here as a testament as to what ignorance still exists in this society unfortunately but people will change this with love and understanding of how we are all beautiful and special members of the same human family although we have differnt phenotypes and we shouldnt be caught up on who has a bigger paycheck and a small penis.

I got alot more to say but its late and i got a few reports of complaints about this post so after reading i needed to address it quickly.

Good day Sir and we pray for you.

Watch these enlightening videos and hopefully your dark mind will see the light.

Black people are not monolithic nor caricatures of apes as youve tried to falsely proclaim with your zoo analogy just like all white people are not souless cursed devils as some non white people would proclaim. Another case in example

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You don't need to pray for me, brah, after all you are the one who is into this degrading lifestyle. More to the point, I am a black guy so you can park your theories on white supremacy. Still doesn't answer my question. If this is really interracial, where are the other races here? Probably because they respect themselves too much to degrade themselves in this way.

You can expound all the theories you want. Fact is:

1) whites refer to you as "low-IQ low information" types, 2) they see blacks as emotionally shallow and sex-crazed and lacking any sort of self restraint

These whites put you down you to latin americans, Asian americans and immigrants, tourists and people visiting from other countries, and encourage them to think of American blacks as alien or outsiders.

I repeat that in case the irony is lost on you:

Whites bad-mouth you to latin americans, Asian americans and immigrants, tourists and people visiting from other countries, and encourage them to think of American blacks as alien or outsiders.

However, let a white man call for some big-dicked dumb ******* to come and bang his pasty wife and guess who comes running with their big dicks swinging down their thighs:

Not latinos, not Asians, not Polynesians, not native Indians, not middle-easterners. It will be blacks who come running loyally, who else?

Obviously slavery was abolished a while ago, but the slave mentality is very much alive and kicking for some. What a shame.
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I think the word you were looking for is enlighten. Carry on crusader.

No. I am not looking to be "enlightened" and go from being a normal self-respecting black male into becoming some big-dicked stud-******* who prowls around these parts looking to feast on white men's putrid sexual left-overs. I asked for more information, hence 'embellish'.

However, you carry on whoring your pasty lump of a wife/girlfriend around these sorts of places, hoping some desperados might register tepid interest in her. ?
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No. I am not looking to be "enlightened" and go from being a normal self-respecting black male into becoming some big-dicked stud-******* who prowls around these parts looking to feast on white men's putrid sexual left-overs. I asked for more information, hence 'embellish'.

However, you carry on whoring your pasty lump of a wife/girlfriend around these sorts of places, hoping some desperados might register tepid interest in her. ?

Use a dictionary goofball.
With my lovers I’m expecting some kind of bestiale sex, it’s part of the fantasy, once a week or every two weeks I need it. But it doesn’t mean that I’m tolerating to be humiliated.
I'm going to get a lot of hate for saying this but whatever..
This is an interracial SEX site. This isn't a dating site. There is literally literally a section labeled here for cuckolding.

People don't come here for love. People come here to satisfy their sexual needs.

Alot of white people on this site already have their love interest. You act like it's a one sided thing like we are being used. Like cumming inside someone's hot wife looking like Tina fey is being used..bro it's a mutual exchange.

It's a 2 way street actually 3 way.
I'm starting to notice alot of this racial drama talk which is draining. No one is here for that.
People have emotional physical and sexual needs

If you honestly believe what you wrote then I think you are way to sensitive for this lifestyle and maybe should go to POF, or tinder.

The first white girl I had sex with was a legit racist but I knocked her boots off for six straight months day in night out. Sex was mind blowing and that's all that was.

The couple I'm taking to now understands that our interactions is just about sexual satisfaction. They service my cock I give them mind blowing orgasms. It's as simple as that. Nothing more.
If I want love ill go to a POF or a meet n greet.

You couldn't have phrased it any better!
I'm not here for love, at least not the emotional kind!