Surrounded by BBC

It's not too late to make it happen!
Here it’s up to my wife. When reading this forum it’s most likely the wife holding back. What can you do. If nothing else you can always fantasize.

Hope real thing will happen, for many of us!
Love having the attention of black males , one memorable night was in Paris , we attended a cocktails party at this beautiful penthouse, a very casual affair, the hosts were a very influential couple ( white ) who had several black friends , lots of small talk but I was attracted to two of the guests , as the evening progressed it was obvious that both enjoyed my company,finally people left leaving just three black males ,Steve and I , and the hosts Marie and Joseph.
Marie was enjoying being kissed and fondled which led us standing watching ,that when I felt a kiss on the back of my neck , Steve and Joseph went to play snooker and Marie and I enjoyed the three black males.