Splash mocha? first experience

Unfortunately the woman in charge Tina has pretty well killed the experience for me. The other attendees are why it gets such positive reviews typically but the management has made it more of a cash grab event than a lifestyle event
I’ve been going to splash mocha since 2016. Almost every year. It def has changed. It’s becoming watered down for sure. No one even plays in the playrooms anymore. They use to be good back in the day. Now everyone goes to their room. I went this July. They need to make nice playrooms where you want to go in.
A new club has emerged, most of those splash mocha people are attending Fusex social Club cuckold and hotwife events. https://www.fusexsocialclub.com/fusex-cuckold-club.html
Really? I looked at yours or their site. I don't see any events. They say they have events in Vegas and other cities, but no details. This looks like someone's fantasy. Obviously most Splash Mocha people are not attending as you say they are. There is nothing to attend. There is a lot of work and a big investment in money to put on these events.
Thats a Closed Restricted Highly selective club. All members must sign many legal secrecy agreements, phone screening Criminal History check, then when you become a member, you will receive all the invites though your private email or text messages. The events are not advertising online
I noticed what vegascplXXX said, and upon looking further, what you said. That is just a bit much for us, as if we were a political figure, or celebrity, that is one thing, but for the average couple, that is rather extreme, but that is just my opinion. Granted, it looks very nice, but the price of admission (not literally as that is not disclosed) is too much for us. I will say I think it is great there is such an option for those that need highly/ super secrecy.
Thats a Closed Restricted Highly selective club. All members must sign many legal secrecy agreements, phone screening Criminal History check, then when you become a member, you will receive all the invites though your private email or text messages. The events are not advertising online
When you are a Best Kept Secret you tend to stay that way, Top Secret! If you are in the event business you need to promote your events. You need people talking about how much fun they had at your event.

A new club has emerged, most of those splash mocha people are attending Fusex social Club cuckold and hotwife events. https://www.fusexsocialclub.com/fusex-cuckold-club.html
I've attended 3 Splash Mochas. I know and am in regular contact with people who attend Splash. I don't know of anyone who has heard of you let alone "Most of those. Splash Mocha people are attending your parties. That is not true.

I live in Las Vegas. You say you have events here. Never heard of your events. Where did you hold them and when?

When you go to a events website like Splash they show the events on their page. I can read about others experiences at each of the Splash events. Why would I send money to a secret event planner?

I don't understand the need for a Non Disclosure agreement. Top secret makes it sound like a scam.

I'm not trying to tell you how to run your business, but there is no way a Top Secret event planner is getting my credit card!
When you are a Best Kept Secret you tend to stay that way, Top Secret! If you are in the event business you need to promote your events. You need people talking about how much fun they had at your event.

I've attended 3 Splash Mochas. I know and am in regular contact with people who attend Splash. I don't know of anyone who has heard of you let alone "Most of those. Splash Mocha people are attending your parties. That is not true.

I live in Las Vegas. You say you have events here. Never heard of your events. Where did you hold them and when?

When you go to a events website like Splash they show the events on their page. I can read about others experiences at each of the Splash events. Why would I send money to a secret event planner?

I don't understand the need for a Non Disclosure agreement. Top secret makes it sound like a scam.

I'm not trying to tell you how to run your business, but there is no way a Top Secret event planner is getting
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We sent an email to the exact email it says to send it to, we were within the time limit when we sent the initial email, we accepted the fee, and when she said no refunds we even asked to transfer which it states can happen with written authorization, when my husband called she flat out said she hadn't been responding because she was traveling. Explain to me how is doing EXACTLY as the policy says entitles her to ignore it?
Not sure I understand why this cancellation policy is unfair, especially in the current climate. To be honest, Splash has to pay for the hotel upfront so people cancelling last min is a financial risk which is why they recommended travel ins.

We have been to 6 events and love every one of them, we have both made some good friends and had some wild fun along the way
VegascplXXX you are a loose cannon. I will never go splash Mocha because I know my worth, the true is most white people that goes to splash Mocha sees black men as worthless sexual objects, they riddle those black men with stds, Deep in their thoughts they will always think they are better than those black men. They will fuck those black men on Sunday and won't hire them on Monday. The Fetishization of black bodies is brazing. I never told you I have events in Vegas. Thats an example why you need non-disclosure and criminal background check in this lifestyle. https://people.com/human-interest/jerry-falwell-jr-wife-becki-open-up-about-pool-boy-sex-scandal/ . I'm not sure if those people are scam https://www.fusexsocialclub.com/leadership-team.html

First off read your website. You say that you have events in Vegas.

Secondly, I mistook you for someone who was sane and serious about starting an event, but reading your comments shows that you are just on here to be a Whiny Little Bitch. Your comments are offensive and total bullshit. The women who attend Splash have the upmost of respect for black men, and no one got an STD. Since that is the way you feel why would you say most of the people attending Splash are now attending your event? This is no longer a serious discussion, I'm out!