So annoying when..

It's a term that people use just like "BBC". There was nothing derogatory about what he said so stop trying to make something of it.
I don't care about the term. I just think people would have better results around if they didn't identify people like an object. For instant I wouldn't address every white man as a cuck, or a white woman as a bbc slut. Think of them as a person not just the sex value.
I don't care about the term. I just think people would have better results around if they didn't identify people like an object. For instant I wouldn't address every white man as a cuck, or a white woman as a bbc slut. Think of them as a person not just the sex value.
I still don't see your problem. Why would you call every white man a cuck? It seems you are the one generalizing by thinking all black men have big cocks and all white men are cucks.

If you are looking for a cuck or BBC slut, you say exactly that. Just like I did with BBC.

The motive to not call something by it's name is most of the time political correctness.

BTW; I addressed all this in my initial post. This niche is built on stereotypes. It's the turn on for many people. And it goes both ways. So I think you 'feeling' is pretty counter intuitive.
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I still don't see your problem. Why would you call every white man a cuck? It seems you are the one generalizing by thinking all black men have big cocks and all white men are cucks.

If you are looking for a cuck or BBC slut, you say exactly that. Just like I did with BBC.

The motive to not call something by it's name is most of the time political correctness.
I don't have a problem....
I don't care about the term. I just think people would have better results around if they didn't identify people like an object. For instant I wouldn't address every white man as a cuck, or a white woman as a bbc slut. Think of them as a person not just the sex value.

If someone called me a Big Black Cock I'd be flattered (but also confused because I'm white). :confused:

Still that's not what happened. What he basically said was that most women are on here to get laid, and the women on here are predominately, if not exclusively looking for black men, sexually, so yeah he used the term BBC because that's ultimately what many women on this site want. I still don't see the issue with using that term.
Here have a read. Dan Savage addressed this 'issue' once.

I have some concerns about my cuckold fetish that you did not address in a recent column. Aspects of my particular fantasy are prevalent among people with this type of fetish, and they cause me guilt and shame.

I am white and my fantasies involve my future wife having sex with well-endowed black men. This turns me on but I feel guilty. My fantasy is horribly objectifying and racist, is it not? It requires treating another human being like a piece of meat. The rational part of me, the part that tells me these fantasies are improper, is no match for my inner urges. I can't stop fantasizing about this. In all other aspects of my life I am quite progressive.

What can I do? My hope is that these urges will go away, but I doubt this will be the case.

Can't Understand Cuckold Kink

You bet your cracker ass your fantasy is racist, CUCK. For centuries, white men—not all white men, mind you, but enough that all white men should be embarrassed for all time—have obsessed about the supposed sexual superiority of black men. Whitey fears big black dick, rampaging Mandingos, white women coming down with jungle fever and getting their chifforobes busted up. These fears inspire feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and paranoia—and white men have typically compensated for these fears through acts of violence. Not for nothing was *********** the first order of business at many a lynching.

But guess what? When given a choice between being lynched and being offered a white man's woman, CUCK, 10 out of 10 black men surveyed prefer the latter. That the same racist stereotypes that still inspire some white men to violence also inspire racially tinged cuckold fantasies in others has to be regarded as progress. Well, maybe not progress, per se, but until we stamp out racism once and for all (let's all hold our breath, shall we?), better cuckold fantasies, acted on or not, than *******, cold-blooded killings.

Can I get an "amen"?

But doesn't enacting your fantasy require the complete objectification of a black man? Yes. And how can you reconcile that kind of racist objectification with your "progressive" values? By sucking on this: It's really super racist of you, CUCK, to assume that black men are incapable of having the same subconscious erotic response to racist stereotypes that you did. There are tons of African-American guys out there who want to play the sexually dominant black stud to your sexually humiliated white cuckold—it took me less than a minute online to find three dozen. How selfish of you, CUCK, not to mention how racist of you, to obsess about the white cuckold's burden with nary a thought for the needs of these black men.

For shame.

And for the record, CUCK, there's nothing wrong with treating someone like a piece of meat during sex—provided you treat him like a human being before and after sex. Some people enjoy being treated like pieces of meat, and as long as the men you play with consent to being treated like meat, there's nothing improper about it. Consent is, as I've written before, always and everywhere the magic ingredient. It makes BDSM not actual violence, it makes a facial not actual degradation, it makes a realized ******* fantasy not actual *******. In your case, CUCK, the joyful consent of all involved—including your future wife (good luck with that)—makes the expression of your racist fantasy not an actual expression of racial animus.

To sum up, CUCK: As long as you understand the cultural forces that shaped your fantasy, as long as you don't assume that all black men wanna bust up your wife's chifforobe, and as long as you treat any black man who does bust up her chifforobe like a human being—and, what the hell, as long as you vote Democratic and donate $100 to the United Negro College Fund for every inch of black cock that gets slipped into your future wife's chifforobe—there's nothing unethical about realizing your fantasy.

(You want an example of a highly unethical and distressingly common cuckold fantasy? "Dom male seeking a true cuckold couple," reads this personal ad. "He will watch me use her and please her. He will do clean-up duties. I am also interested if she is fertile and wants to be bred in front of hubby. The cuck assumes all responsibility toward the baby." Where do I start? A baby simply cannot possibly consent—in advance of conception!—to taking part in a lifelong role-play scenario. Cucks, bucks, bulls, and hot wives? I've got your sweaty backs. Cuckold fantasies are fine, realizing them is finer. But leave conception and ******* out of it!)

In your column on so-called "cuckolding," I wish you had mentioned that many men (and women) share their partners for reasons other than a fetish or an eroticized fear. My partner's sex adventures don't turn me on, but I encourage her for three reasons:

1. It makes her happy.

2. It liberates me to have other lovers, too, whether or not I act on that freedom.

3. She brings me the sexual energy she picks up on the outside, which has revitalized our sex life.

The term "cuckold" is insulting, and it supports a lie—that a man having sex with a woman in some way owns her. So when another man has sex with her, he's robbing the first man of something. Sex should be about love and pleasure, not possession.

Keep Possession Out Of Love

For some, KPOOL, sex is about love and pleasure and possession. We should all understand, of course, that we can never truly possess another person, and strive to be rational ("I know I don't own you") about the irrational feelings love inspires ("I own your ass!"). Still, it's not a crime to eroticize possessive feelings, like cuckold couples (yes, the term is insulting—part of the turn-on, yo), or toy with them, like anyone who's ever gotten a thrill watching his/her possession flirt with another.

However, my boyfriend is rumored to have a "Property of Dan Savage" tattoo, so perhaps I'm just being defensive.

I read your response to the woman whose husband has a cuckold fetish. But what if it's the other way around? I know that my husband is highly monogamous, so I have never mentioned it, but I would love the chance to screw other guys. How do I explain that I only want one love in my life (him), but I would also like more cocks in my life?

Wanna Cuckold Him

You assume that your husband is highly monogamous, WCH, because he's never told you otherwise. What if he's assuming the same about you because you've never told him otherwise?​
Pre-season football,! year went by so fast.

Hope everyone enjoys it! Even those in Houston!

So hope the Steelers put up a better defense this year, and get more turnovers.

If you want to discuss meaningless preseason NFL football, or NFL football in general, start a thread, don't highjack somebody else's.
If you want to discuss meaningless preseason NFL football, or NFL football in general, start a thread, don't highjack somebody else's.
sorry, bm_, i thought that mayhaps tempers were flaring a bit and things being taken a bit too seriously. i thought that bringing up foozball might help to defuse it a little (albeit, it often has the opposite effect).'s far from being my place here to do such a thing here, ergo, i'm very sorry. And thanks.

oh shoot! sometimes i come off as sarcastic, when i'm usually being sincere. the above is definitely sincerity.
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sorry, bm_, i thought that mayhaps tempers were flaring a bit and things being taken a bit too seriously. i thought that bringing up foozball migLi help to defuse it a little (albeit, it often has the opposite effect).'s far from being my place here to do such a thing here, ergo, i'm very sorry. And thanks.

I knew what you were attempting to do, as your tone and the timing of the posts indicated that. Usually, people want to have their say on an issue, then the fire is contained.

No need to apologize. Like I said, you could always start a football thread in this forum. The World Cup thread was very popular, no reason a football one shouldn't be.
Wow is the debate and smartass comments really necessary people?

How do you feel about mixed guys?
Mixed guys are fine. But hey, just like Pac said, the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice :p

I have not flirted with you, but what do you consider flirting? Maybe they are just appreciating your beauty or sexiness and you are not understanding them? Maybe they are just stating the fact that you are hot and not trying to pick up on you? There are a lot of idiots on ANY web site, but especially on dating/sex web sites. But maybe things are not as sinister as you think they are.

I know what flirting is. I know there are idiots but it gets me that these guys have obviously messaged me from a post that I've made, so they can clearly see I'm into black guys. Like I previously stayed, this is an INTERRACIAL sex forum, and it is clear that I am white, so that would mean I like BLACK men.

Persistency is what's annoying. Even though my profile says we're not playing right now, I get at least 2-3 messages a week from black guys wanting to hook up. When I tell them I appreciate their interest, but we're not trying to hook up, most every one is cool and says "ok". I've only had a few who wanted to know "why" I was here, then, if I wasn't trying to hook up.
I just looked at your profile and you have no information regarding your annoyance. Possibly it would help to post a "nice" message regarding your preferences and grievance. But, if it gets too annoying for you, maybe you should take Linda4bbc's advice ... Dark Cavern's just down the hall for those that are simply put off by white guys.
Many of us, me for sure, could care less about your sex life!

"I'm just saying tho"
... Mac :rolleyes:
I choose to have no information. And as I stated right above, isn't it blatantly obvious that I like black men if I'm on this forum!? You would be surprised at the responses I get from members when I tell them I'm not interested. So this is basically a PSA to all white men who are rude to women on here cos we aren't interested. It was a spur of the moment post as I was pissed about a person who was constantly messaging/harassing me to talk.
Wow is the debate and smartass comments really necessary people?
This is not a debate. You're the one that brought it to the attention of the forum with your pissing and moaning, MissAustralia, not us. Plus the fact that you, yourself, admit you were ... and I quote you "pissed about a person who was constantly messaging you".

I choose to have no information. And as I stated right above, isn't it blatantly obvious that I like black men if I'm on this forum!?
Well, actually, its not blatantly obvious. As I said, your profile information is basically blank, and this forum is like a revolving door of people coming and going ... blacks, whites, males, females, retards, fakes, gays, etc ... and they're not going to go back and read your past posts before they contact you. This is a forum, ok? A simple "Not interested in white guys, sorry" response should resolve most of the individuals that you don't wish to talk with, and you can let a moderator know when someone's rude or persistent. But, again, putting up an announcement in your profile will curb many of those unwanted messages, or maybe you should consider changing your screen name to BlackMenOnly . But there's this old saying that goes ... "If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got!"
Perhaps you've heard this song ... gif_Yellowball-violinplaying.gif caption_Sarcasm-LIFE.jpg gif_Yellowball-happy.gif