
LOL ... ok, ok, you guys wish to spout definitions or whatever. You understand, however, that words take on definitional changes based upon the subject matter, and that words take on expanded meanings every day. Look how far the definition of cuckold has come in just the past 10 or so years. Soon, cuckold will be an every day word. I hear it on TV almost regularly now.

Anyways, let's use a different example. When I mention STD on here ... what is the first thing that comes to mind? Be honest now. Being on a sexually explicit website, does Sexually Transmitted Disease ring your bells? Of course it does. But you might should know that its NOT the first thing that comes to my mind, or professionals that work in my profession. To me, the first thing is Short Term Disability, which is a product I deal with each and every working day.

So, when you talk of snow bunnies, here, you're not going to hear many black guys referring to the 4-legged animals with long ears that live in the Artic, or white girls in bikinis skiing down a snow covered slope in Aspen, Co. It's their derogatory slang to define a fair skinned, young, white female, usually blonde and red head. Just as blacks have assigned the word "cracker" to define white males ... its part of their growing reference of slang. The only ones that cannot use derogatory slang on this site are us "crackers" ... LOL!
"Somebody call?"
.....View attachment 476046 ......... well, I didn't think we would ... hummm!
I've never thought of snowbunnies as a derogatory term
I've never thought of snowbunnies as a derogatory term
Of course you probably wouldn't as its a slang word that mainly black males apply to provocatively dressed, young females.
Just as the word "cracker" applies to white males ... it's just a word blacks often apply to them.
Just the same, those are words that aren't normally used by white people regarding white people.
I'm not complaining here, mind you, just drawing your attention to "words" that can be taken offensively when applied to others.