Show your big bbc dildo

Oh yeah she says the best sex ever she's so sensitive after cumming on it I can't hardly touch her for minutes after

I had a girlfriend that acted the same.
When I ate her pussy, she'd all of a sudden turn away, push my hands off her. Didn't want to be touched.

I'd just wipe my mouth lol and wait a minute, then she'd reach back for my hand and bring it around her.
We'd snuggle a bit, then it was my turn.
Our new bbc toy, havnt used it yet, the Mrs wants to save it for our anniversary trip in september. So excited!
Thank you for the suggestion. The wife absolutely loves this new toy. They sounds that have been coming out of her when using it are amazing. She can't last more then 3 minutes and she cumming all over it. I'm not sure what it is but she absolutely loves it. Thanks again.