Show pictures of our real normal small dick. Not those clit

this is not as simple as that!
I m a white husband and I m not small at all .. Nevertheless, my wife prefers her Black Bulls, mostly because they re more dominant and demanding
I relate to this.
It's not that white dick is so worthless
It's just that black dick is just so much better. Black men can provide a magical experience that white men simply cannot and should not bring to the table. I think it's actually hotter when the white male is above average but is still not good enough and he is happy to step aside because he wants the best for her.
Guys. Please show pictures of your normal, real, small dicks.
not those clits.
If can put your dick together with the BBC. It could more int
Guys. Please show pictures of your normal, real, small dicks.
not those clits.
If can put your dick together with the BBC. It could more inter
Not all white men have small dicks.....just like not all black men have a BBC


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Such as it is…. We need a Bull to please her. I get to 6.5” hard on a good day, but can’t maintain hard some of the time. Have never gotten her to cum with my dick. Want to see her lose her mind with a Bull thrusting inside her.


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