Sexy sundress or short shorts

Well I like the bushy.
Well you are out of luck due to a series of laws / city ordinance passed back in the 70s. Ladies could be charged for lewd behaviour if caught with pubic hair sticking out of their bikinis back then. So they starting getting Brazilian lines done. Well bikinis got smaller so more shaving and waxing. Bikinis got smaller well you got the point.

Another law that back fired was one that said the baby singers (artistic so dancers to) could only preform in concert halls that served beer if their parents were in the audience. Other wise the performers had to be 21. Before the laws were in place strippers had to be over 21 on average.

as for strippers they could be arrested if they showed pubic hair so again out came the razor.

in the 90s laws were passed that strip clubs had to be a certain distance from parks and schools. So clubs move out of the down town core. Well now the clubs are affecting suburbs because they are now restricting the location of schools and parks.