
It's shaky because of the many variables. Reparations usually involve proof of loss or injury. How do you do that equitably? And who is "Black"? There are great variations in skin tones and "features." How do you prove it? During the slave period some freed Black people and Native Americans owned slaves. Should their descendants be omitted from any reparations program? What about the descendants of people who arrived in America after slavery was abolished; they had no hand in the subjugation of Africans. Why should they pay? About 300,000 white American soldiers died in the Civil War fighting for the Union and to end slavery. Do they get a pass, too? And since a majority of Blacks were brought to America by the British and Dutch (along with some Spanish and Portuguese) shouldn't they contribute to the fund.
The more history you know, the more complicated it gets.
Reparations usually involve proof of loss or injury.
The proof of loss or injury can clearly be observed. In the inequalities that exist in the Black American community today. Such as in economics, health, incarceration, land ownership, education, mobility, environmental quality, etc.
The root cause can be traced to the government created policies, laws and systems that simultaneously disenfranchised Blacks and their descendants. While enriching whites and their descendants. Therefore the government is liable.
Here are some examples...
Jim Crow, Red Lining, Homestead act, being locked out of the GI Bill...If you're unfamiliar with these.There's voluminous reference material.
How do you do that equitably?
This has promise...
There are great variations in skin tones and "features." How do you prove it? During the slave period some freed Black people and Native Americans owned slaves.
Cart before the horse... However that's what the commission would study and come to a conclusion on.
Short answer DNA, genealogy, preserved records. As far as Black and Native Americans slave owners...If you say so... Spit in the ocean. I'm talking about what the government did and continues to perpetuate... You know all the stuff I listed ?
What about the descendants of people who arrived in America after slavery was abolished; they had no hand in the subjugation of Africans. Why should they pay?
All whites in America benefit from the system of white supremacy that this country built on the backs of Black Americans. You don't get to pick and choose what the government spends our tax dollars on... Reparations is no different. For instance I would have said NO to all of these...Anti asian hate crime bill, Ukraine, and Israel aid. See I even "said" No in bold face. Yet my tax dollars still support.... Get it now? They're always money for everything except reparations for ADOS. I DON'T WONDER WHY.
About 300,000 white American soldiers died in the Civil War fighting for the Union and to end slavery.
That's not why the civil war was fought. It was fought to preserve the Union and weaken the South's economic strength. Which was dependent on slavery. That being said... So what ? Soldiers die in wars... 2 million Blacks died during the middle passage. How does a soldier doing his "duty" mitigate the Just Cause For Reparations?
And since a majority of Blacks were brought to America by the British and Dutch (along with some Spanish and Portuguese) shouldn't they contribute to the fund.
Sure why not... However right now I want to concentrate on the US government... You know for all the reasons I've previously stated.
The more history you know, the more complicated it gets.
The more history you write the more you can self-serve and deceive... The United States is up to complicated challenges...It's the American way.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Good conversation. I will be glad to cordially disagree ... in part .... My larger point was that white people should sexually serve Black men not so much because of past injustices but because they are much more desirable and exciting ... that's what my wife Lynn says.
Good conversation. I will be glad to cordially disagree ... in part .... My larger point was that white people should sexually serve Black men not so much because of past injustices but because they are much more desirable and exciting ... that's what my wife Lynn says.
Duly noted and discarded...Have a wonderful day... Or not.🤣
Coming from the country that was one of the first to abolish slavery, and then suppressed it around the world, I feel no need to make any sort of reparation.

However any fit, well endowed black man, whether his ancestors were slaves or slavers, is free to use my body for our mutual satisfaction.
Sounds great! Stay tuned