PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT - If you are a human with feelings...READ THIS

Natalia Foster

Real Person
Gold Member
I didn't find what I was looking for these last few years on blacktowhite...and I really tried hard.

I believe that I am not cut out for this lifestyle. I was looking for a longterm playmate. I was always upfront about what I was looking for and I vetted out alot of asshole. See...I have to like the people I play with but they view me as just a play toy and I needed them to have the decency to view and respect me as a person with feelings. At first, it seemed they did but it was just a facade. After about the second encounter....they would be harder to contact or get clear answers from them. And don't be mistaken...we had good times!
I kept asking myself...why don't they want to be with me? And it kept happening with everyone i met. But you see...they had already moved on to the next best thing.
So...if you are out there searching for a compatible longterm aware.
There are some common undesirable personality traits that bulls have.

Need to be the center of attention. That is why they like to fuck in front of the husbands or others.

Many of the men i met were cheating on their wives. Cheating wives are encouraged on this site. Cheaters are liars to the core.

Huge lies..for example...making up non-existent extracurricular activities to have an excuse to get out of the house and go fuck.

Narcassitic - They would rather talk about themselves and give advice rather than actually listening and learning.

Get bored easily and want to move on to the next conquest.

They are never wrong.

In alot of cases... socially ackward.

If cheaters think they are not hurting their family by cheating...they are. They have spent time away from them to feed their addiction and then lie to their faces. It changes a person when they cheat and lie and that will project onto the family in some negative way ...but then again...they may have been doing it all their life and don't even realize that it's abnormal.

Natalia Foster
I didn't find what I was looking for these last few years on blacktowhite...and I really tried hard.

I believe that I am not cut out for this lifestyle. I was looking for a longterm playmate. I was always upfront about what I was looking for and I vetted out alot of asshole. See...I have to like the people I play with but they view me as just a play toy and I needed them to have the decency to view and respect me as a person with feelings. At first, it seemed they did but it was just a facade. After about the second encounter....they would be harder to contact or get clear answers from them. And don't be mistaken...we had good times!
I kept asking myself...why don't they want to be with me? And it kept happening with everyone i met. But you see...they had already moved on to the next best thing.
So...if you are out there searching for a compatible longterm aware.
There are some common undesirable personality traits that bulls have.

Need to be the center of attention. That is why they like to fuck in front of the husbands or others.

Many of the men i met were cheating on their wives. Cheating wives are encouraged on this site. Cheaters are liars to the core.

Huge lies..for example...making up non-existent extracurricular activities to have an excuse to get out of the house and go fuck.

Narcassitic - They would rather talk about themselves and give advice rather than actually listening and learning.

Get bored easily and want to move on to the next conquest.

They are never wrong.

In alot of cases... socially ackward.

If cheaters think they are not hurting their family by cheating...they are. They have spent time away from them to feed their addiction and then lie to their faces. It changes a person when they cheat and lie and that will project onto the family in some negative way ...but then again...they may have been doing it all their life and don't even realize that it's abnormal.

Natalia Foster
Damn this was very enlightening. Lol. Almost theraputic. However I do not believe that what u described applies to all "bulls". I admit a few of these apply to me, but definitely not all of them. My only critique is that maybe your "good times" were not as good for him as it was for u. And also don't be afraid to take a longer process. Have a few meet and greets b4 getting down to action. It's not always gonna be a match made in heaven.
This is the exact reason we cant find someone. I can tell most guys we talk to are players, will want to play once and move on and it's ironic 95% of "single" guys cant host but we'll keep vetting guys until we find the right one!!
We actually had to look elsewhere to find our most recent playmate. The key is to talk for a while before actually going for it. I may be wrong, but if you’re looking to create a long term bond you almost need to treat some aspects of it like you’re dating a new person. Texting and phone calls before jumping in bed.
We have had similar experiences. Either people talking big game and not backing up or just playing around. Very hard to find LTR or FWB. Most want a few times it seems and or again go AWOL when comes time. Used to be much better many years ago, I think culture has changed in the dawn of Tinder and such. Such a let down to be honest, we have gone thru the lot on AFF, here, etc.. Some were good guys it seemed just not attractive to me, those ones were loyal and always just nice and continue to talk. Those who were attracted too thought to much of themselves and then after turning them down as could tell they would be like WOW, Really.. OR my favorite was a guy I was trying to see if into me as always talking and met up and seemed ok. Would not show interest and when i asked if attracted and or anything said wont know until we try, how can I know if interested until we try. I was like WTF really. Hubby was like yeah, fuck that idiot, just a plan old idiot and no wonder single still. So guy gets offended I said not going to work and I do not talk, but every month like clockwork pings us again, hey let me know if you want to hook up. Glad I have a good and very built hubby..