Politics, Politics, Politics

I know Iraq did not want us to stay there....but we have ALWAYS built a base in whatever country to keep the peace.....and should have there.....close to the border.....and quit having to kiss turkeys ass to use an airstrip!...besides they are now saying isis is moving back into Iraq.....and Iraq getting buddy buddy with iran...we put bases in Korea....and in germany...Italy...Japan....why not Iraq!...should have

I agree - it’s tuff to know wtf - been a long war
fuck computer clicked off again.....anyway how can you NOT be watching the NCAA basketball playoffs?
northsub probably be on here a bunch now her team lost....and lost to someone they should have beat up bad!....that's what happens when you look ahead and forget you have one to play before you get there
ok...can honestly say I have never watched a hockey game...never!
did I tell you I bought me a nice 57 Bel Air a month or so ago.....got it for a steal 35thou.....going to make it's debut this weekend!

Yup - ya did - had ta sell a Chevelle cause o Momma - nice car as you described it - what show ya taking it to ?
couple others I think are a little better....but I can handle old Joe......knows what is best for the country...respected around the world....think the party will let it play out...but to many want him
With poundMeToo and Believe-All-Women presently dominating Democrat discourse, there is no way pervy old Uncle Joe can survive the nomination process. Pictures abound of pervy Ol' Joe putting the squeeze on highly uncomfortable women AND tweeny chicks. He is privileged, white and male in a party that celebrates the loony AOC. His opponents will find women who say their lives were ruined when young Joey snapped their bra straps in 7th grade. And Democrats have already established that women's stories of long-ago, unprovable abuse cannot be refuted.
With poundMeToo and Believe-All-Women presently dominating Democrat discourse, there is no way pervy old Uncle Joe can survive the nomination process. Pictures abound of pervy Ol' Joe putting the squeeze on highly uncomfortable women AND tweeny chicks. He is privileged, white and male in a party that celebrates the loony AOC. His opponents will find women who say their lives were ruined when young Joey snapped their bra straps in 7th grade. And Democrats have already established that women's stories of long-ago, unprovable abuse cannot be refuted.
... and I'm sure you can produce a few of those pictures, that you say abound of Ol' Joe ... right, nanci gayboy, I mean whiteboy?
You're going back aways on the bra snapping, aren't ya? That would be about sixty seven years ago for Ol' Joe. Maybe some photos of him masturbating back then. Did they even have cameras back then? Bet you'd love watching boys masturbating, wouldn't ya? And, what 7th grade boy didn't snap a few bra straps in middle-school. That's the way 7th grade boys flirt with girls at that age. Did the boys snap your bra or did they settle for a blowjob behind the bleachers or in an empty school bus? words_WhoCares.jpg
As far as being an ole white man ... #1 I hear Stacey Abrams name coming up for VP running mate if he decides to run .... and #2, Trump isn't so far behind in age of Ol' Joe. And #3, we have a recording of Trump saying "grab 'em by the pussy" ... what you got on Ol' Joe's "snapping bras?"
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and that class is an example of:
  • a literal reading of droll language :rolleyes:
  • an inability to search for "Joe Biden" "creepy" or "groping"
  • an ad hominem attack
and the degree of irritated prissiness is quite feminine :unsure:

(sometimes in the bus or in the basement plumbing/heating rooms, but mostly in the bit of woods behind the DQ across the street. I do love hot chocolate on vanilla :qos:. Maybe that's why they called me nanci Oreo)
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Mueller Report now out - a big NOTHING !!!
Now whatta ya all going to be whining about??? I think the American public is sick of all the liberal left wing whining - time ta chill out and shut up : }
Unless the umbrella of POTUS is shielding Trump somehow, one would wonder if Mueller's report was so damning of Trump why did not the FBI remove Trump from office in handcuffs and leg irons by now? On such a day I am certain that Simone Biles and Gabby Douglas would be in such awe of @MacNfries's and @subhub174014's individual gymnastic routines (out of sheer joy celebrating Trump's removal from the office of POTUS) that they would immediately surrender all their Olympic medals to you both as they are ashamed that they could not duplicate such an explosive energetic performance.
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Yup - ya did - had ta sell a Chevelle cause o Momma - nice car as you described it - what show ya taking it to ?

around here there is a show every Sat,,,,,,and a get together with about 400cars every Tuesday.....and haven't sold the Chevelle yet!...got a guy that has wanted it for a while....but I am not going to give it away...I think he will buy it....just has to pay a little more to get it......he thinks I need to sell it and is trying to steal it....I need to sell it to please momma...….but she has been mad before and got over it
Unless the umbrella of POTUS is shielding Trump somehow, one would wonder if Mueller's report was so damning of Trump why did not the FBI remove Trump from office in handcuffs and leg irons by now? On such a day I am certain that Simone Biles and Gabby Douglas would be in such awe of @MacNfries's and @subhub174014's individual gymnastic routines (out of sheer joy celebrating Trump's removal from the office of POTUS) that they would immediately surrender all their Olympic medals to you both as they are ashamed that they could not duplicate such an explosive energetic performance.

wrong again!

I agree with Pelosi...you remove him from office and a bunch of people he has twisted into believing he is some kind of god.....will just go crazy...creating that much more division in the country...something he has practiced since he has been in office....he is facing jail time in NY as it is...just can't get him while in office...….the way I see it...vote the fucker out legally...without the Russian interference....NY grabs his ass and he goes broke trying to stay out of jail...….a Dem gets voted in....and some crazy trump fanatic shoots the dem!
With poundMeToo and Believe-All-Women presently dominating Democrat discourse, there is no way pervy old Uncle Joe can survive the nomination process. Pictures abound of pervy Ol' Joe putting the squeeze on highly uncomfortable women AND tweeny chicks. He is privileged, white and male in a party that celebrates the loony AOC. His opponents will find women who say their lives were ruined when young Joey snapped their bra straps in 7th grade. And Democrats have already established that women's stories of long-ago, unprovable abuse cannot be refuted.
wrong....trump has pretty much killed the me too movement....with him being such a pervert and yet making fun of anyone who speaks up...they have TEMPARARILY shut up right now

and just like ol trumpie……..making those unfounded accusations …….Russian trolls are already starting it would seem....and with you giving no address would have to think you might be one....they like to get into the political sites and just throw ******* out creating discourse....like they did with Clinton
wrong again!

I agree with Pelosi...you remove him from office and a bunch of people he has twisted into believing he is some kind of god.....will just go crazy...creating that much more division in the country...something he has practiced since he has been in office....he is facing jail time in NY as it is...just can't get him while in office...….the way I see it...vote the fucker out legally...without the Russian interference....NY grabs his ass and he goes broke trying to stay out of jail...….a Dem gets voted in....and some crazy trump fanatic shoots the dem!
I agree with you where you said you can't go gunning for Trump while he is POTUS as it would crash the stock market and cause irreparable damage to any investments there for millions of Americans as well as the other financial markets, so it would be best if you still want Trump's ass behind bars you go after him after he leaves office. Maybe after his second term? Or if you are lucky after Trump loses the next election. In the end it is up to the American voters in aggregate as to when that actually happens.
around here there is a show every Sat,,,,,,and a get together with about 400cars every Tuesday.....and haven't sold the Chevelle yet!...got a guy that has wanted it for a while....but I am not going to give it away...I think he will buy it....just has to pay a little more to get it......he thinks I need to sell it and is trying to steal it....I need to sell it to please momma...….but she has been mad before and got over it

Great strategy !!!
What year is the Chevelle ?
I agree with you where you said you can't go gunning for Trump while he is POTUS as it would crash the stock market and cause irreparable damage to any investments there for millions of Americans as well as the other financial markets, so it would be best if you still want Trump's ass behind bars you go after him after he leaves office. Maybe after his second term? Or if you are lucky after Trump loses the next election. In the end it is up to the American voters in aggregate as to when that actually happens.

I really doubt there will be a second term!
but it depends on who the Dems pick to run....there are a lot of republicans that are against trump....some even think there should be a republican primary...a first when you have one already in office....but if the Dems put someone in that doesn't have to many "gimme" programs....they will get some republican votes....I think healthcare....and "reworking" trumps taxes are about the 2 big issues......as for doing anything to trump....I think his own policies will do enough damage....things have peaked....and only one direction to go from here
wrong again!

I agree with Pelosi...you remove him from office and a bunch of people he has twisted into believing he is some kind of god.....will just go crazy...creating that much more division in the country...something he has practiced since he has been in office....he is facing jail time in NY as it is...just can't get him while in office...….the way I see it...vote the fucker out legally...without the Russian interference....NY grabs his ass and he goes broke trying to stay out of jail...….a Dem gets voted in....and some crazy trump fanatic shoots the dem!

Not such a great strategy!!!
When Pelosi is the voice of reason - look out!!
I really doubt there will be a second term!
but it depends on who the Dems pick to run....there are a lot of republicans that are against trump....some even think there should be a republican primary...a first when you have one already in office....but if the Dems put someone in that doesn't have to many "gimme" programs....they will get some republican votes....I think healthcare....and "reworking" trumps taxes are about the 2 big issues......as for doing anything to trump....I think his own policies will do enough damage....things have peaked....and only one direction to go from here

Bill Weld a former governor of Massachusetts is trying to primary Trump - don’t think he’ll get too far though - he was a good governor.
1965....I have 4 of those all total...although been working on one for about 2 years now and not done...close...should have it on the road this summer

Where do you store all these cars ?
Do you have a barn - big garage - or metal building for them ?
I love the 65s - nice clean lines - I once owned a 67 - loved that one too!!!