Politics, Politics, Politics

Simply not good enough.

In the first video you have a confrontation that unlike the videos I posted does not having heads flying against fists. A hat is thrown off.

Second video shows Trump comparing how the Media is reporting on everything Trump supporters do as super violent while ignoring the left sides violence. And Trump saying he'll defend people in Court if anything happens. Which is quite nice, people defend him so he defends them.

The third video clearly shows Trump shooting down a bunch of innocent Trump Protesters.
Youre comparing words with actual Violence. I dont even.
What are you even trying to do here?
Nothing youve shown is as damning as the DNC admitting to inciting violence at Trump Rallies or at the inauguration, nor is it as damning as the videos Ive posted of Trump Protesters hunting down Trump Supporters in the streets. Or even what happened in Chicago where even the Police got badly hurt, or thugs were talking about that it is fine to ******* female Trump Supporters.

LOl ohh dear. a rather poor response. But then again thats your tirade and trade mark isn't it. You didn't learn the last time you were here when you scamppered away to lick your wounds. And here you are again making the very same mistakes... Your interpretation of the videos differenciates from those experts who have used the video's to prove the very point I made.. stop posting YOUR version of fake news, and what are you even doing here when it appears politics are above your level of comprehention!

While your at it pick the bones out of these.


And hears the rebuttle to your rather inept reply to the video of Trumps offer...

'Trump then defended McGraw. “He obviously loves his country,” he said. “And maybe he doesn’t like seeing what’s happening to the country. I want to see the full tape. But I don’t condone violence.”


John McGraw

Todd pressed for an answer: “So you might pay [McGraw’s] legal fees?”

“I’ve actually instructed my people to look into it, yes,” Trump said....Oooops destroyes your snowflake response in one go...Enjoy!
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Reading comprehension ...
Let's see, I said ...

... and you imply that I said ....

You're starving for an argument, aren't you TwoBi?
Poor Baby! Maybe its "nappy time" for you .... View attachment 1317620

Get off you horse and go get in your safe space, YOU are the one starting the argumentative *******. Just like yesterday you reply to a post that had nothing to do with you, claiming I was looking for an argument with you specifically, get over yourself. Character assassination is your only tool Mac, learn a new tactic. (or better yet, get out of your safe space and see the real world)

Reading comprehension ...
Let's see, YOU said ...
You might start thinking just WHO is benefitting......

I answered your question - I wasn't replying to your re-directing statement about Citizens United - which I don't agree with either by the way - but that is besides the fact because you are simply argumentative with anyone that does not bow to your imaginary wisdom.
Both parties are taking money from corporations Mac, but you only see it one way.

I'll start posting ** TRIGGER WARNING ** from now on, then you will know not to read my post and think I am trying to pick a fight with you.
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And the only reason why I raise it again is that for whatever reason we seem to come back again to this issue over and over again?

I don't think so.... and why would you think if it didn't do anything the first time... you post it again repeatedly?

AGAIN at the time there was no proof of much against trump.... but things have come in every week!... at that time I don't think they knew about the ******* in law.... it just keeps coming in and the thing just keeps getting bigger... just saw a thing on CBS where over 60% of the country thinks Trump is involved of some kind of cover up... and yet 37% doesn't think so... the 37% would be about the number who voted for him and the right that will support anyone on the right!
I don't think so.... and why would you think if it didn't do anything the first time... you post it again repeatedly?

AGAIN at the time there was no proof of much against trump.... but things have come in every week!... at that time I don't think they knew about the ******* in law.... it just keeps coming in and the thing just keeps getting bigger... just saw a thing on CBS where over 60% of the country thinks Trump is involved of some kind of cover up... and yet 37% doesn't think so... the 37% would be about the number who voted for him and the right that will support anyone on the right!
Again if you want to refute Alan Dershowitz debate him yourself as I did say you are a clever guy otherwise find a champion to take him down with the facts on a public forum such as CNN.

With 60% of America thinking Trump is behind a cover up doesn't really mean anything. A majority of Germans once thought the Nazi Party was right. Did that make them legitimate? I don't think so. A majority of people support Kim Jong-Un in North Korea also. Does that make him correct with all that he does? Again I don't think so. But if you can rationalize Nazi Germany or Kim Jong-Un based upon their popularity feel free to do so.
This too:
Those idiot extremist leftists at the Trump rallies were calling peoples wives whores, saying everything they could to piss off Trump supporters to get it on T.V., and were even caught pushing over children at a rally.
I know I was there at couple of them.
If these fuckers called my wife a whore or pushed my *******, I sure as hell would beat the ******* out of them too.

And punching someone for calling your wife a whore is not comparable to the left literal trying to shut down people from speaking with violence and shooting congressmen.

The Black guy beating down that white liberal at Trump rally, was because he was wearing a KKK hood.

These fuckers are starting a war they can not win.

Any one on here supporting Antifa or other extreme leftists are supporting terrorists.

We got fucking turds over here attacking people for freedom of speech.

So yah fuck these a-holes who are defending people who are shooting people, clubbing people, throwing bricks at people, and pushing over children.
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On a better note:

NBA Hall-of-Famer Dennis Rodman has presented North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un with a series of gifts – including Donald Trump’s negotiating bible ‘Art of the Deal’ – during his fifth visit to the isolated Asian nation.

The retired basketball star, who arrived in Pyongyang on Tuesday, saying that he was “trying to open the door” between the US and North Korea, met for a formal gift-giving ceremony with Sports Minister Kim Il-guk.

As well as Trump’s ghostwritten 1987 bestseller, gifts laid out for the North Korean leader included a copy of ‘Where’s Waldo?’, a mermaid puzzle – Kim’s ******* Ju-ae is thought to be about five years old – signed jerseys and several bundles of upmarket soap.

“In the past, our respected supreme leader met you several times, and he used his precious time to watch the basketball match with the players you brought here. In the past he met you, so our people all know you well. And also we feel that you are an old friend,” Kim Il-guk said to Rodman during a photo call attended by international media.

Rodman, who appeared alongside Trump on his TV show ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ in 2009, did not expound on the significance of the gift, but earlier said he’s “pretty sure [the US president] is pretty much happy with the fact that I’m over here trying to accomplish something that we both need.”
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On a better note:
View attachment 1317738

NBA Hall-of-Famer Dennis Rodman has presented North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un with a series of gifts – including Donald Trump’s negotiating bible ‘Art of the Deal’ – during his fifth visit to the isolated Asian nation.

The retired basketball star, who arrived in Pyongyang on Tuesday, saying that he was “trying to open the door” between the US and North Korea, met for a formal gift-giving ceremony with Sports Minister Kim Il-guk.

As well as Trump’s ghostwritten 1987 bestseller, gifts laid out for the North Korean leader included a copy of ‘Where’s Waldo?’, a mermaid puzzle – Kim’s ******* Ju-ae is thought to be about five years old – signed jerseys and several bundles of upmarket soap.

“In the past, our respected supreme leader met you several times, and he used his precious time to watch the basketball match with the players you brought here. In the past he met you, so our people all know you well. And also we feel that you are an old friend,” Kim Il-guk said to Rodman during a photo call attended by international media.

Rodman, who appeared alongside Trump on his TV show ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ in 2009, did not expound on the significance of the gift, but earlier said he’s “pretty sure [the US president] is pretty much happy with the fact that I’m over here trying to accomplish something that we both need.”
Also Rodman is among the few that is close friends with both Trump and Kim Jong-un. So that makes him a de facto ambassador between the two.
( http://www.cnn.com/2017/06/15/asia/dennis-rodman-north-korea/index.html )
and the more I think about it.... the right is to stupid to carry on a conversation with.... they only care that the gov gives them this much money and all the lobbyist give them this much money and have no time for the people.... they have shown that in the town hall meetings... people are angry with what's going on.... do they care... no they cancel the meetings and complain about how the people are to upset to deal with... there is an answer for that!... listen to the people....but the right can't do that it would cost them money.. so you start to get violent.... the only way to get their attention!

I mentioned before the election about a guy that had bought 2 AR's... he is a trump supporter... and thought if the election didn't go right he might need them... and you can go back and look up that comment on this board...
so now the pot calling the kettle black?
***********Republican Trigger warniing**********


What ever you need to call me to make yourself feel good.

Well to qoute Mr F Gump...Stupid is as stupid does... Sooo you're your own best advert!

Nice you're putting trigger warning on everthing you post...Makes it easy to under stand how you reply emotionaly and without thought!
***********Republican Trigger warniing**********

Well to qoute Mr F Gump...Stupid is as stupid does... Sooo you're your own best advert!

Nice you're putting trigger warning on everthing you post...Makes it easy to under stand how you reply emotionaly and without thought!

The trigger warnings are for Mac, so he don't think I am posting about him and then accuse me of trying to pick a fight. As he has done TWICE in just the past 2 or 3 pages. I didn't label it this time because I do mention him, so he can safety read this without being triggered.

I know a few people in the Netherlands, just curious - if you are open to discussion instead of name calling - what is your percentage tax rate?

And by the way - Republicans don't get triggered, they are not offended by someone speaking their mind. Not to mention I'm not a republican.