Pimped wives

I was out with one of my "Boy Toys" one night, Steve. Have seen him for the last 15/20 yrs. Guy came up to our table, Steve was getting us drinks. He was hitting on me. Told him I was married, and out on a date with a friend. He kept going. Steve came back, told the dude he was my date. Guy kept going how hot I was. Steve finally told him, $150 and she wlill suck your dick, or $400 and she will fuck you. Guy came back 15 min later with $400. Steve just laughed and told me to fuck him out in my SUV. So I took the guy out there and fucked him. He was actually very attractive and fucked me good. He ended up being a reg for me. Lol
Very exciting mid-date development for you and Steve. I imagine you were dressed extra sexy that night?

My wife always dresses extra sexy when going out to a nice hotel restaurant with me or with one of her Hotwife girlfriends. She always attracts lots of attention.

She is always flattered when men approach her with compliments and are willing to pay her for a private date back in their hotel room. Unless she detects a creepy energy from the generous suitor, she accepts his invitation and his cash gift.