Penis Shrink

This topic continues to generate a great deal of interest. In my opinion this is because white boys want to be smaller and softer. This just seems obvious. I am not sure all of the boys even know why. However, I feel this is a relentless desire to become beta males. To submit to black men as well as women. In exchange for that they get pressure removed from them to try and be actual men. And they get some degree of security from the guidance and control of black men as well as women. It is liberating to take a lesser role when it is the correct role. I feel this emasculation and (in many cases) feminization seems natural, healthy and inevitable. It is absolutely fascinating if you think about it.

The other thing I have noticed is the increasing use of flat cages. The white boys and the women must want the boy to be as flat as possible. Helps with more feminine clothes. Helps with mental emasculation. I like the look. Emasculation realized. I also note that white boys who are tiny seem proud of the fact. They do not have to work as hard to become lesser. Cages should help shrink things over time. Excessive and hard masturbation while watching interracial porn should help shrink things. Feminization just helps a white boy in all areas. Again all of this is fascinating. The one and absolute constant is that the people most interested in shrinkage are white boys. Never black men. I wonder what percentage of white boys this would be but I suspect it would be high.

Thanks to all who are posting their thoughts on this subject. These are just my two cents worth for those who have noticed the same things.
This topic continues to generate a great deal of interest. In my opinion this is because white boys want to be smaller and softer. This just seems obvious. I am not sure all of the boys even know why. However, I feel this is a relentless desire to become beta males. To submit to black men as well as women. In exchange for that they get pressure removed from them to try and be actual men. And they get some degree of security from the guidance and control of black men as well as women. It is liberating to take a lesser role when it is the correct role. I feel this emasculation and (in many cases) feminization seems natural, healthy and inevitable. It is absolutely fascinating if you think about it.

The other thing I have noticed is the increasing use of flat cages. The white boys and the women must want the boy to be as flat as possible. Helps with more feminine clothes. Helps with mental emasculation. I like the look. Emasculation realized. I also note that white boys who are tiny seem proud of the fact. They do not have to work as hard to become lesser. Cages should help shrink things over time. Excessive and hard masturbation while watching interracial porn should help shrink things. Feminization just helps a white boy in all areas. Again all of this is fascinating. The one and absolute constant is that the people most interested in shrinkage are white boys. Never black men. I wonder what percentage of white boys this would be but I suspect it would be high.

Thanks to all who are posting their thoughts on this subject. These are just my two cents worth for those who have noticed the same things.
Great thoughts. I agree on most. It’s all about feminizing, emasculating, and basically also just throwing in the towel so to speak that you can ever compete with black men for white women anymore. Now that that truth is really known natural selection is taking place. Just surf through X/Twitter and see the thousands of young white guys who are completely feminizing after seeing these truths. It’s astonishing. And even those that are well endowed have given in to the thought of a BNWO and black male superiority. Honestly I appreciate them for doing their destined part for the future!
Age and not getting fucked will shrink it. Never used any cage. It was always small, just smaller now.
Age and not having erections often - may that be for sex or whatever.
That's why a chastity device may help shrinkage, if it is used on a regular basis to prevent erections.
If you don't have erections often, naturally, you can probably do without a penis cage. ;)
For my personal experience, cage helps a lot but I'm not sure if it's actually the cage or more of a psychological thing.
I have now difficulties to get hard and I guess the cage helped/caused it but it might be also caused by a year of a new relationshipp with her bull and lack of sex. I'm not an expert to say
Yes 100% sure. We read about it in the internet. If you put him into a cage, sooner or later he gets impotent.
I think that's what hubby is now.
Do you have any sources for that? 🤔

With getting older libido decreases naturally which also leads to not having erections often or not having any at all which is true for any male in a higher age. For some that starts sooner, others later. The same happens to females however those don't rely on getting erections for penetrative sex. They will just become less interested. None of that is dysfunctional! No man is created to be a sexual stallion in his seventies, eighties and nineties. No Woman is created to be a sex vixen even decades after her menopause. Life has different seasons, that's all.

-- Request For Discussion --

Other than that... It is a phenomenon that some males, no matter their age, who share their Women with other men encounter a lack of ability to get hard, a decreased erectile function. my perception is that it is more of a mental change than a physical one.
Some males who share their Women on a regular basis may have experienced or witnessed first hand that their Women are sexually well taken care of by other men, sometimes the other will do an even "better job" of providing pleasure for the shared Woman than the "wifesharer" himself. In those cases the sharing male may comprehend - consciously or not - that his sexual abilities (and erections!) have become less relevant for his Woman's sexual well-being. This may further be ingrained in his subconscious mind leading to the effect as mentioned above.
(This idea is backed-up by articles with interviews of real-life cuckolds. Many of those have shared some interesting common experiences, mindsets and emotions. Many expressed that they fell more contented and even relieved in their cuck role. A common explanation was that they feel no pressure or stress from not having to perform or compete sexually when they are enabled to rely on other men for giving their Women what they need.)
In lack of a better word i'd call those types of wifesharers "cuck-minded".

However, for some man who share their Women it turns out to have the opposite effect. Upon sharing their Women they encounter an increased libido, begin to gain staying power, and "reclaim sex" becomes a common and regular activity in the couple's sex life.
Again in lack of a better term i'd call those "Stag-minded" wifesharers.

Then there is a third group. Males who share their Women as an extra activity but do not encounter any change in their sexual abilities.
Yet again in lack of a better term i'd call those "one-sided swingers" (in cases only the female "plays" with others).

-- What do you all think? Spot on? Bull$hit? Something in between? Please share your opinions! Thank you.