Paternity and baby Support

Does anyone know how much baby support coats? I see the online baby support calculators was just curious how much people actually pay.
Understanding the rights & requirements of both the biological & paternal male parents, the life style that the wife & baby have grown accustomed to living, the relationship maintained by the mom & the actual fa.ther of the baby, and the legal costs, it can be reasonable or total ridiculous.

For example, if the mom is married to an individual who's income is 6-7 figures and then he suddenly dies, the responsibilities of the bio-fa.ther could be in that ridiculous range. But its pretty sure thing that IF that mom feels she needs added support for that baby, she'll come looking for the bio-fa.ther and the courts are gonna want to favor the lifestyle that's best for the baby going forward. So maybe it makes sense, if you are only wanting to be a seeder, you might wish to avoid seeding well-to-do females with rich husbands. Also consider some form of legal agreement.

If you're lucky, you will have a woman who's not wanting you back in her life and you'll skate "free" ... but you got to consider the worse, especially if you are seeding a lot of women.
Understanding the rights & requirements of both the biological & paternal parent, the life style that the wife & baby have grown accustomed to living, the relationship maintained by the mom & the actual fa.ther of the baby, and the legal costs, it can be reasonable or total ridiculous.

For example, if the mom is married to an individual who's income is 6-7 figures and then he suddenly dies, the responsibilities of the bio-******* could be in that ridiculous range. But its pretty sure thing that IF that mom feels she needs added support for that baby, she'll come looking for the bio-******* and the courts are gonna want to favor the lifestyle of the baby going forward. So maybe it makes sense, if you are only wanting to be a seeder, you might wish to avoid seeding well-to-do females with rich husbands. Also consider some form of legal agreement.

If you're lucky, you will have a woman who's not wanting you back in her life and you'll skate "free" ... but you got to consider the worse, especially if you are seeding a lot of women.
No. Remember that in the majority of states the husband is presumed to be responsible and in fact if he dies without a decision otherwise, the baby immediately becomes an heir.
No. Remember that in the majority of states the husband is presumed to be responsible and in fact if he dies without a decision otherwise, the baby immediately becomes an heir.
A court can order a paternity test on anyone. All the mom has to do request it through legal channels. When it comes to c*hild support, the courts are increasingly being ruthless.
A court can order a paternity test on anyone. All the mom has to do request it through legal channels. When it comes to c*hild support, the courts are increasingly being ruthless.
I was speaking to the example where the husband died. After the birth of the baby a test can be ordered.... but honestly I don't see c*hild support as ruthless if you made one and bailed. A man guides and shepard's his own.
In the state of Tennessee the matter is left up to the three parties concerned. If a couple is married,then the husband is assumed to be the *******. So the baby/children take his name, he assumes liability for the baby or children. This can not be contested or infringed upon until baby or children are over the age of 18. So, the husband can assume full parental rights without legal question if that is the route chosen. If the parents are not married, then the mom and ******* ,(Black), sign a voluntary acknowledgement of paternity. Tennessee encourages the VAOP to be signed in the hospital, so that the birth certificate and establishment of parenthood is immediate, after confirmation of DNA. baby Services or Dept. Of Children Services, does not infringed on these matters. They represent neither party.
I have a 32 year old *******, Jaylen, played football at TSU, and I have a 28 year old *******, Kingston, both Black by different fathers. We went the VAOP route, but my husband and I raised both. They had interaction with their fathers their whole lives. I went to football games and functions with both of their fathers, we were and are not ashamed in any way. Both fathers were present during birth, and from the very first day. We told both of them the truth, that I dated their Dad, but that they were not a mistake. Again, why show shame for the choices made.
This has become quite common place now. Wondering around Walmart, you will see a lot of white couples with a black baby, sometimes both Black and white. Just look at the church, about half of the white grandparents are bringing their Black grandchildren there. (The last statement had nothing to do with religion, but only as a point of the emergence of this lifestyle.
The people that take this beyond fantasy continue to baffle and anger me.
You're purposely talking about the baby like it's an after-effect.
A white couple raising a mixed raced baby, produced from extra marital casual sex, with siblings, is going to suffer mental abuse and massive identity problems.
You think the siblings and family members won't treat this one differently?
You think you're equipped to handle the way society will treat him/her?
How do you think this baby psych will manifest this daily question of worth and value among his/her peers?
Saying you're going to love them is great, but it's not enough and not the same as raising your other children.
My ex-wife and I successfully raised our mixed race children (she was/is white and European), thank goodness. There is so much deeper things to examine in addition to providing a loving two parent home.
Can't explain, most black men (and women) know what I mean.
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in googling it, the typical amount is $1,000 a month. 18yrs worth at that cost would be $216,000
You didn't like my response?
First, 18 is not when your children become independent. If you're a decent parent, you have college to prep for and maybe some money to help them get started in life like money for their first condo.
Going backwards, how about high school and and all of the expenses with sports, travel, and extracurricular activities? How about feeding a young? Clothing a young? Car insurance?
Grade school? Maybe, that'll do.
Unless private school is the option.
Like a said, $1000 is nothing.
The people that take this beyond fantasy continue to baffle and anger me.
You're purposely talking about the baby like it's an after-effect.
A white couple raising a mixed raced baby, produced from extra marital casual sex, with siblings, is going to suffer mental abuse and massive identity problems.
You think the siblings and family members won't treat this one differently?
You think you're equipped to handle the way society will treat him/her?
How do you think this baby psych will manifest this daily question of worth and value among his/her peers?
Saying you're going to love them is great, but it's not enough and not the same as raising your other children.
My ex-wife and I successfully raised our mixed race children (she was/is white and European), thank goodness. There is so much deeper things to examine in addition to providing a loving two parent home.
Can't explain, most black men (and women) know what I mean.
You raise ALL valid, legitimate concerns....but it has to be added, we black men and women know what you meant we've seen it in our lives, if not IN family, next door or in our classes. It actually bothers me much much more the number of so called black men who want to inseminate and not SHOW giving one damn about their progeny. I've discussed the idea too, but I'm clear I would insist on some level of interaction because I would CARE.
You didn't like my response?
First, 18 is not when your children become independent. If you're a decent parent, you have college to prep for and maybe some money to help them get started in life like money for their first condo.
Going backwards, how about high school and and all of the expenses with sports, travel, and extracurricular activities? How about feeding a young? Clothing a young? Car insurance?
Grade school? Maybe, that'll do.
Unless private school is the option.
Like a said, $1000 is nothing.
Some judges are mandating c*hildsupport for as long as they stay in school after high school.
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Is it objectionable for a white male to form a relationship with a white female with a mixed baby from a previous relationship?
I'm sure most would answer here that is perfectly fine.
I really don't see much difference between forming such a relationship, and a bull giving a hotwife a baby.
Generally speaking, white couples will not sue for paternity or support. It is most often the last thing you want to stand up in chancery court and explain.

that's not always the case, though. in my experience, if you are with a married woman specifically with the purpose of getting her pregnant, draw up a contract. i believe that there are sample contracts available online