Our experience so far as a curious cuckold couple.

I think everyone is frustrated when it comes to finding the right match. The site uses the lowest common denominator to create a connection. Who does not want to get off? The challenge is that is what most pursue first and in the process they wreck it for themselves and others. My mantra is always 'go slow now, to go fast later' so I spend time creating a good foundation of friendship, trust and open communication. I need to know what she/ they like and they should know what gets my motor running. As much as I like spontaneity and exploration I know there is a bit of awkwardness, trepidation and nervousness that impacts the initial experience. I am long past the days of preferring one-time experiences. On-going and in the ideal situations relationships that extend beyond the bedroom are my jam. Notches on the belt, are not bad but I sure appreciate the fact the belt can be used, when needed and requested, and that happens after knowing the people I am playing with and the boundaries they want expanded. We have flakes on both ends of this spectrum. If you are asking for the size of my cock in the first 3 sentences, we are not a match. I know that what is going to her off is my manhood but also what I am whispering in her ear, doing to her body and the foreplay that has taken place. We may never connect chemistry wise but I show up to meet and asses our possibilities of having a delicious experience. As much as I am one of million go men who enjoys couples I will not let myself become a commodity based on my color, cock size and gender. Too much self respect and I recognize the privilege of taking your wife, and the couples that have been great pairings know that this level of pleasure works best when we all get what we desire.
No one liners coming from this man of color. I am a fan of sophistication, sensuality and substance.
2 years ago I admitted to my fiancé that I was turned on by the interracial cuckold thing. We had only dated for 3 months at the time. She made me feel okay about my fantasy. In fact, every time we have had sex since then, we role play with the thought of it. I have created a couple of online profiles like this one over the years. We have been messaging back and forth with a black man for about a year and a half. He has been very patient with us , as I have told him that its weird for me to bring up the subject when we are not having sex. He recently started to kind of call me out on it and he said we should all get together for a ******* to talk about it. I finally brought it up with her and she was totally fine with it. So we finally made the next step and went to a classy bar to meet up with him. He had texted me all day leading up the meeting. BUT, then he pulled a no show and didn't answer my messages on KIK after that.

SO my thoughts are , he was some white dude that sent over pics of a perfect athletic ex football player. He probably got off on the control and suspense he created.

So I was part relieved and part pissed. We took two years to actually take that step. But I told my girl that I was proud of us that we made that step, and I think it will be easier to take this step with another guy.
Has anyone here had this kind of experience?View attachment 2071144View attachment 2071144

thats a terrible experience, i'm sorry to hear that happen for you.
Welcome to the world of swinging and cuckolding. We've had so many that have stood us up at the last minute its not funny. It was pretty deflating for us early on. Especially if my wife had spent hours getting ready, pussy waxed, manicure/ pedicure etc. just to either be sent a text hours later saying they are still on their way, or sometimes no text at all. My advice to you is, don't stop looking, when you find the right gent, it will be amazing and for better or worse will change you and your sex life forever.

We still seek out bulls all the time, but we have found, the ones that come as a couple or the wife knows about it, tend to be more reliable. Do what we do, we just go out have a good time together. Enjoy that your hotwife is dressed up sexy/ slutty and is probably being checked out by other men. Show her how turned on you get by her dressed that way, eat her pussy and ass like its your last meal on Earth and make her feel like a Goddess.

Assume the bull isn't going to show up, or if he does he won't be your type... and if he is and gets to fuck your wife thats a bonus.
Get at me
We have been doing this for 4 years now. We are very picky and when we think that we have someone that may be what we want we will request that they voice verify with us over the phone. If someone does not want to do that or face time prior to meeting with us then it is our belief that we have just saved ourselves from wasting valuable time.
Not just save time but we have had two scary meetings with angry, weird folks. We are extremely cautious now to not only confirm but to confirm normalcy
2 years ago I admitted to my fiancé that I was turned on by the interracial cuckold thing. We had only dated for 3 months at the time. She made me feel okay about my fantasy. In fact, every time we have had sex since then, we role play with the thought of it. I have created a couple of online profiles like this one over the years. We have been messaging back and forth with a black man for about a year and a half. He has been very patient with us , as I have told him that its weird for me to bring up the subject when we are not having sex. He recently started to kind of call me out on it and he said we should all get together for a ******* to talk about it. I finally brought it up with her and she was totally fine with it. So we finally made the next step and went to a classy bar to meet up with him. He had texted me all day leading up the meeting. BUT, then he pulled a no show and didn't answer my messages on KIK after that.

SO my thoughts are , he was some white dude that sent over pics of a perfect athletic ex football player. He probably got off on the control and suspense he created.

So I was part relieved and part pissed. We took two years to actually take that step. But I told my girl that I was proud of us that we made that step, and I think it will be easier to take this step with another guy.
Has anyone here had this kind of experience?View attachment 2071144View attachment 2071144

My advice to everyone is to verify within a few days with each other if you plan to have long term communication or to meet eventually. Otherwise you are more than likely wasting time with someone fake.

I have people take a clothed photo doing something simple I ask or short video clip doing something simple.

Most online are fake.
Our way of screening is that my husband will always arrange to meet the prospective bull first, in a public place, over coffee, etc. He knows full well the type of man I like and I trust him implicitly. Some guys balk and refuse to meet with the hubby first... their loss. We do not negotiate that very often. If the guy shows up AND the conversation is a positive one, then we move on to meeting for drinks or dinner.
Makes sense