What is your age category?

  • 20's

    Votes: 126 6.4%
  • 30's

    Votes: 234 11.8%
  • 40's

    Votes: 621 31.3%
  • 50's

    Votes: 640 32.3%
  • 60's

    Votes: 288 14.5%
  • older yet

    Votes: 75 3.8%

  • Total voters
For relationships I find women in their late 30s and up to be ones who I gel with the most. If it’s just sex, I have been pleasantly surprised and disappointed from all age ranges. I have been with 20 year olds up to 62 and been surprised good and bad on both ends of the spectrum. If It is said that I had to choose, it would be a women between the late 30s and late early fifties. Something about that time frame that lets them come into their own. And it’s been my experience that they seem to not just what to fuck and become “lost” in fucking. They just seem to be more in the moment and relishing it more. Just my 02.