NJ/NY BBC parties?


Gold Member
I seem to remember a BBC get together in NJ that happens on a semi reg basis? Can anyone help out? If not NJ, NY/CT/NH/MA is fine also!
We were planning on going, but something came up.
It was okay. There were a couple of VERY creepy guys. One walked around all night in a respirator doing weird ******* and being a mosquito. The one there last year was better. We will go again but our unplanned visit to PGC in friday night was actually better as far as fun. I feel like the crowd at the she got blacked event is more of a GB crowd which I am just not into. At least this time. I feel like many of the guys never left the play room floors, and just were there to move in on a GB.

The hosts (chris and christa) are great and hold many parties up that way. It's far for us and we only tend to go to takeover nights and splash. We don;t do GB parties as I prefer a more social, bar setting where I can connect with one guy I am in to.

The she got blacked group is also on SDC and fetlife. That's actually where I found them (fet). I got recognized from my fet there this weekend and made a couple contacts but I feel like a lot of people never even made it to the social area up top by the bar. They do a lot of parties in NJ, and they even seem to have one coming up in FL. We've done one they hosted in MD which wasn't bad.

The hosts are great and we like their events, but I do feel they are more GB oriented, even though you can find a little bit of everything. I've made some great 1v1 contacts there, which is what I prefer. If it was local we'd go more, but it's a 5-6 hour drive for us
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I've been to the She Got Blacked parties a few times over the years. I concur that they tend to be more on the GB side. But I feel that is a two-part reason. One most are regulars and know each other, so the women who take all comers (pun intended) tend to be the ones the guys go to. I feel... from my experience that even thou it's a themed event (we are all here on this site for the same reason) there's still a lot of hesitation about who or what is allowed. I'd love to see a themed party like this with ice-breakers or wristbands that indicate the sort of play everyone is interested in.