Unfortunately for many white husbands, many married women are going thru change of life and become wild cock hungry sluts. Some of the reasons the wife's become sluts include they feel like they have missed much of the excitement in life by being married and being restricted to having sex with only one man, often their white husbands have tiny white dicklettes like I do, they have talked with their friends about men that have big hard cocks, thick cocks, men that cum big loads and black men with big black cocks; all of which they feel they have missed and want to experience now before it is too late for them to have new pleasurable exciting sex. Often their husband is the only man they have ever had sex with. Now in their 40s, the children are grown, so their maternal instinct weakens, their husbands may be taking them for granted and not paying as much attention to them as they want them to. So many of the white slut wives, including mine, decide to start cheating on their husbands so that they can enjoy sex with other men. They cheat because they want the financial security and home life their husbands provide. When the white slut wife finally tries be fucked by a big black cock, she is hooked on big black cocks and NEEDs to enjoy many big black cocks to enjoy the great pleasure they give them. They ae like ******* in a candy store but their candy is black cocks. Sometimes the black men will turn a white wife into their slave and property by refusing to fuck the white wife unless she accepts being one of his married white slaves and property.