My wife has asked

Eh, is going alone all that safe really though? Never been there, but ******* can get shady really anywhere, especially around complete ass strangers that can smell tourist on you a mile away. I'd at least make sure she was safe in some kind of way. But yeah, all that given, let her go enjoy life and all the men she can handle. Sure she will bring you back ages worth of stories and pictures to tease you with lol.
Or maybe find someone verified from here that someone's dealt with, and let him show her around properly. Do's and don'ts and *******
Would I allow her to go to Jamaica on her own next year, what do you think I should do
Says the man. How old are you? Have you ever been raped or tried to be ? Abducted in a foreign country? Come back when you can say yes. Then we will talk about a traveling companion.
It's always interesting to see who has their feet grounded in reality versus those who live in a fantasy world. Personally, I try to avoid the latter.
Seriously you know? I read some of these and think to myself are they serious?
I choose to take it as a sign. The moment I see someone talking like that, then I know to give them a wide berth. Not the type of people I want to invest any time in. And trust me, with what I do, I encounter them A LOT lol All I can hope is that other people are able to spot them just as easily so that they are not influenced by their nonsense. I see it from all sides but primarily it comes from wannabes, so called Bulls and some husbands. It's rare that I encounter it from the wives.
Eh, is going alone all that safe really though? Never been there, but ******* can get shady really anywhere, especially around complete ass strangers that can smell tourist on you a mile away. I'd at least make sure she was safe in some kind of way. But yeah, all that given, let her go enjoy life and all the men she can handle. Sure she will bring you back ages worth of stories and pictures to tease you with lol.
I would never let her go by herself. Too dangerous. Listen to beenblackened!