Muscular, Slim or Chubby?

Good question. Thanks for that. ;) Personally, i'd leave it up to the Woman as i'm not attracted to men and have no idea of what could be attractive and what not. Tastes can be very different though and naturally it depends on the Woman involved.

Your question about body shape i can only answer for my ex girlfriend's preference. Maybe her taste was not typical but she was not into hard-bodied men. Athletic, yes, but not guys with a sixpack. Also obese would have been a turn-off. She was more into "normal-looking" down-to-earth guys with a smile, some humor and intelligence. ;)

For me, attitude is an important trait. i would not agree to or support a guy who is disrespectful toward my Woman or me. Or a guy who doesn't respect our boundaries. An up-to-date proof that he is STD/STI-free is required, and also provided by us. If that's not possible - for instance, because he is a spontaneous pick-up ;) - the correct use of condoms is a must!

As far as dick size is concerned... i don't think it is very important. i've been in a swinger relationship for years and what i found out is that there are some guys with an average dick or even a bit below that who know what they do with what they have and can give a Woman orgasms. Some guys with a huge dick don't know how to use it and turn out to be quite disappointing. :( As far as the ability of giving a Woman good pleasure is concerned... girth is more important than length. But most important is how the man treats the Woman, how he manages to make himself interesting and the whole tease-play. ;)
I like big burly types... muscular or chubby with a decent size cock. But mostly into confident guys of any shape or size who are not afraid to run the show, take their time, savor the moments... guys who finish strong. Real strong.