I usually like to err on the side of giving people the benefit of the doubt. There are lots of fakes, posers, wannabes and fantasizers who post stories like this, that often seem a little too on the nose to ring authentic. But I mean, so what?Strange place to find to raise this issue, ‘my girlfriend likes IR porn and now wants to make it a reality’ ‘oh, I know I’ll find a niche website that caters for that and ask if it’s something I should go along with’.
It's certainly possible someone would ask for advice on a forum full of people who might have some experience with this kind of thing. If you're right about his authenticity and I'm wrong, I gave an honest response and some personal advice/reassurance to a phony, and potentially others who might read it and gain something from it even if they aren't active, vocal participants, and it cost me nothing. If it turns out he was on the level despite his story sounding a little too convenient, he might actually benefit from some of us with experience to share, and the internet might have done some good instead of tearing down someone who's already in a place of uncertainty and vulnerability, as it does so often. Either way, I'm good with my response.