Meanwhile, In The Real World

B Brown

Real Person
In The News:

Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle, it’s still hard for interracial couples to openly show their love without being harassed or disowned.

Stephanie Hicks, a white teenage girl, shared a loving letter her racist, Bible-thumping dad gave her after she refused to break up with Nike, her black boyfriend. Apparently, the thought of his ******* being tainted by a black teen is just too “vulgar” and “despicable” for his bigoted brain to accept.

“While it may not be anti-biblical,” the dad writes, “I know that I will never accept it, and I’ll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable, vulgar and reprehensible.”

Full story from link below.

That is the reality, as if you need any reminders. Right?

White men have been terrified of the black male's sexuality from day one. Knowing white women would love it oncce they got a taste of a good black dick down is at the core of all of their fear and hatred.
In The News:

Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle, it’s still hard for interracial couples to openly show their love without being harassed or disowned.

Stephanie Hicks, a white teenage girl, shared a loving letter her racist, Bible-thumping dad gave her after she refused to break up with Nike, her black boyfriend. Apparently, the thought of his ******* being tainted by a black teen is just too “vulgar” and “despicable” for his bigoted brain to accept.

“While it may not be anti-biblical,” the dad writes, “I know that I will never accept it, and I’ll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable, vulgar and reprehensible.”

Full story from link below.

That is the reality, as if you need any reminders. Right?

White men have been terrified of the black male's sexuality from day one. Knowing white women would love it oncce they got a taste of a good black dick down is at the core of all of their fear and hatred.

I'm not sure what you are trying to prove, the story is 8 years old and ofcourse there are racist people in the world? Doesn't change the fact that interracial is becoming more popular, more accepted every year. I dont think anyone ever said there wasnt any racism
I'm not sure what you are trying to prove, the story is 8 years old and ofcourse there are racist people in the world? Doesn't change the fact that interracial is becoming more popular, more accepted every year. I dont think anyone ever said there wasnt any racism
Yes and yes and yes. I find all of it amusing. That's all folks. There is nothing I want to prove.
In The News:

Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle, it’s still hard for interracial couples to openly show their love without being harassed or disowned.

Stephanie Hicks, a white teenage girl, shared a loving letter her racist, Bible-thumping dad gave her after she refused to break up with Nike, her black boyfriend. Apparently, the thought of his ******* being tainted by a black teen is just too “vulgar” and “despicable” for his bigoted brain to accept.

“While it may not be anti-biblical,” the dad writes, “I know that I will never accept it, and I’ll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable, vulgar and reprehensible.”

Full story from link below.

That is the reality, as if you need any reminders. Right?

White men have been terrified of the black male's sexuality from day one. Knowing white women would love it oncce they got a taste of a good black dick down is at the core of all of their fear and hatred.
As the f.ather of a 26 year old d.aughter and a 21 year old s.on. The lack of love shown by the so-called dad, toward his c.hild is appalling. I don't care who my c.hildren date, love, marry etc. As long as they're happy and treated well. They have all my love and full support.
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"Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle"
Crickets Reaction GIF
In The News:

Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle, it’s still hard for interracial couples to openly show their love without being harassed or disowned.

Stephanie Hicks, a white teenage girl, shared a loving letter her racist, Bible-thumping dad gave her after she refused to break up with Nike, her black boyfriend. Apparently, the thought of his ******* being tainted by a black teen is just too “vulgar” and “despicable” for his bigoted brain to accept.

“While it may not be anti-biblical,” the dad writes, “I know that I will never accept it, and I’ll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable, vulgar and reprehensible.”

Full story from link below.

That is the reality, as if you need any reminders. Right?

White men have been terrified of the black male's sexuality from day one. Knowing white women would love it oncce they got a taste of a good black dick down is at the core of all of their fear and hatred.
I agree, their fear of the virility of black skin man and their potential in loving woman makes them racists
In The News:

Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle, it’s still hard for interracial couples to openly show their love without being harassed or disowned.

Stephanie Hicks, a white teenage girl, shared a loving letter her racist, Bible-thumping dad gave her after she refused to break up with Nike, her black boyfriend. Apparently, the thought of his ******* being tainted by a black teen is just too “vulgar” and “despicable” for his bigoted brain to accept.

“While it may not be anti-biblical,” the dad writes, “I know that I will never accept it, and I’ll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable, vulgar and reprehensible.”

Full story from link below.

That is the reality, as if you need any reminders. Right?

White men have been terrified of the black male's sexuality from day one. Knowing white women would love it oncce they got a taste of a good black dick down is at the core of all of their fear and hatred.
Not all white men. There are instances of stupidity everywhere but that stupidity is not now nor has it been the 'norm' by all white men that I have seen in my 63yrs on this earth.
Fear and hatred are everywhere, in everything...we can choose to fuel it or extinguish it. Respectfully, it sounds like, with this post, ur tryna fuel it n I for one would like to know why
In The News:

Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle, it’s still hard for interracial couples to openly show their love without being harassed or disowned.

Stephanie Hicks, a white teenage girl, shared a loving letter her racist, Bible-thumping dad gave her after she refused to break up with Nike, her black boyfriend. Apparently, the thought of his ******* being tainted by a black teen is just too “vulgar” and “despicable” for his bigoted brain to accept.

“While it may not be anti-biblical,” the dad writes, “I know that I will never accept it, and I’ll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable, vulgar and reprehensible.”

Full story from link below.

That is the reality, as if you need any reminders. Right?

White men have been terrified of the black male's sexuality from day one. Knowing white women would love it oncce they got a taste of a good black dick down is at the core of all of their fear and hatred.
Old article and there are people of different races/ethnicities around the world who do not want any mixing including black folks. They don't want their bloodlines mixed, either. Shite rolls down every side of the mountain, not just whitey's side.
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I’m down in the south right now and I swear in the past three days I have seen stunning white women with black boyfriends.
Oddest thing- they’re brakes in tight thin shirts. One of the girls was pregnant even.
It’s the epitome of “I don’t care, I am a slut and I love black cock”
Not in the golden triangle, lakes area of east Texas west Louisiana. It's still the civil war lol. Potential connections are based on if neighbors see you. Can you wear work clothes and pretend you fixing something after posting they host
In The News:

Despite Kanye West and Kim Kardashian breaking down the interracial relationship barrier for the rest of the world to freely intermix and mingle, it’s still hard for interracial couples to openly show their love without being harassed or disowned.

Stephanie Hicks, a white teenage girl, shared a loving letter her racist, Bible-thumping dad gave her after she refused to break up with Nike, her black boyfriend. Apparently, the thought of his ******* being tainted by a black teen is just too “vulgar” and “despicable” for his bigoted brain to accept.

“While it may not be anti-biblical,” the dad writes, “I know that I will never accept it, and I’ll never forgive you. My belief is that interracial relationships are despicable, vulgar and reprehensible.”

Full story from link below.

That is the reality, as if you need any reminders. Right?

White men have been terrified of the black male's sexuality from day one. Knowing white women would love it oncce they got a taste of a good black dick down is at the core of all of their fear and hatred.
This story is 8 years old