Looking for Real Teachers on B2W for Experiment


Real Person
Gold Member
Hello B2W
I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of Spring.

I have been on this site for many years and have met some of you before. But this is what I'm looking for.

I want to talk to any real Teachers in the USA. Any teacher from all 50 states.

What I want to do is a little experiment to fix the school system.
There will be tasks and if you do the tasks well - there will be REWARDS!!

If you are interested in trying to help me FIX our schools - please leave a comment (only verified profiles have access to DM me)

Hope to chat with all the educators very soon :)
I'm not 100% positive, bc Lord knows stranger things have happened, however, do you think this is a proper outlet for research for the school system? I mean teachers of sex, teachers of IR, 💩 even teachers of cuckory, would make sense for fantasy/sex/lifestyle research, but not our school system. I'm actually a bit bothered by this, in all honesty.
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I'm not 100% positive, bc Lord knows stranger things have happened, however, do you think this is a proper outlet for research for the school system? I mean teachers of sex, teachers of IR, 💩 even teachers of cuckory, would make sense for fantasy/sex/lifestyle research, but not our school system. I'm actually a but bothered by this, in all honesty.
hello :)

I really appreciate your comment. And I hear you.
But let me offer this reply. You don't know what I'm talking about. You're just assuming the worst.
Which I fully understand and also respect. Why not assume the worst??
Most people in America are "HORRIBLE" people.

Everyone is a liar, a faker, and a complete narcissist.

And our school system is no different. In fact, our schools might be EVEN worse than regular society and thats because we allow fakers, narcissists and liars around our *******. Oh boy! don't get me started on that issue.

If you want to know more - please let me know.
But I want to make this clear. I have the best intentions at heart. I have been on this site a very long time. And I have met many users on this site. Anyone that has ever met me - comes away with the same impression. I'm really honest and also very sincere. I don't play games and I don't take people's *******.

This is the best place in my opinion to fix schools - since the real users on this site are more HONEST than most people in our society right now. Only honest and good people are willing to admit who they are and follow their truth. I admire ppl on this site. I wish I could say the same thing for regular ppl in our world. ;(
That's probably the saddest thing I've ever read on here. I'm sure you've met some interesting people. I could go on to say more, but I feel it would be a moot point.
That's probably the saddest thing I've ever read on here. I'm sure you've met some interesting people. I could go on to say more, but I feel it would be a moot point.
Much luv Jenna.

Yes, I have met some very interesting characters for sure.

But I dont want you to feel disheartened or disillusioned. Here's my point - the world is one way today. That is our current reality.
But the world doesnt NEED to be the same tomorrow - that is the future reality that we can create.

the only reason society doesn't change is because people start to feel hopeless and helpless. And our elected leaders want us to feel that way - so we RELY on them more and more. If we "need" them - we start to rely on ourselves less - and THEY gain more power. But the beauty of America and our government - is that each individual citizen does not NEED anyone but themselves or their family.

You have more power than you realize. And you don't NEED our elected officials. I wish more people realized that and would just vote for someone new every 6-7 years. But all the people claiming to be "free-thinkers" are the biggest SHEEP in our society.
I'm from Canada and I'm half Texan.

To fix the US school system you have to fix your government system.
I thank you for your comment, but unfortunately you are just guessing.
And your guess is not accurate.

In the US there are federal and state laws. Do some of them need to be modified? The answer is yes. But overall the government has created the ability for our school system to function. The problem that America's schools faces is the fact too many charlatans and "guessers" work inside the system - and because they are faking it till they make it everyday -- they are afraid to make mistakes.

When I go into a school that is backwards - the first thing I need to do is start teaching the leaders and teachers - how to be great educators first. Once they know more about their profession - they start to make better decisions and then all of a sudden - everything starts to turn around really quickly.
I understand.

Your insight underscores the critical role of competent educators in reshaping the US school system.

While laws provide a framework, true transformation hinges on a shift in mindset not only among educators but also at the political level (hence my original comment).

By prioritizing professional development and fostering a culture of continuous learning, educators can be empowered to make informed decisions.

Simultaneously, advocating for policies that support education excellence can catalyze profound change, ultimately enhancing outcomes for all stakeholders.
I understand.

Your insight underscores the critical role of competent educators in reshaping the US school system.

While laws provide a framework, true transformation hinges on a shift in mindset not only among educators but also at the political level (hence my original comment).

By prioritizing professional development and fostering a culture of continuous learning, educators can be empowered to make informed decisions.

Simultaneously, advocating for policies that support education excellence can catalyze profound change, ultimately enhancing outcomes for all stakeholders.
Ok, ty for clarifying and I do understand what you're saying.

Yes, you are correct. But here's the reality.

There are not many people in the United States who can actually provide high level professional development. So while yes - we should prioritize professional development - the reality is that what "passes" for quality - is REALLY bad.

In 2024 - quality professional development has NOTHING to do with professionalism or helping teachers get better at teaching. Unfortunately, and this is probably the best site to make this statement. But what passes for quality is whether or not the presenter is BLACK.

That's the bottom line. It doesnt matter if you know your A^s from your elbow- as long as you're Black - schools will hire you. And you can get up there for 60 minutes and literally talk BS for an hour.

Which means - anyone can make money selling PD to schools
So here's the BIGGEST BS that you can sell schools
"hello everyone, in the next 60 minutes I will teach you how to be a servant leader and how to help ******* deal with systemic trauma."

and white female teachers will suck your cock after the presentation and the school district will pat themselves on the back because they fulfilled the QUOTA of bull sh^t.

There is no such thing as "servant leadership" and there is no such thing as helping ******* deal with "systemic trauma."

Its all Nonsense.

Teachers need real help and real support INSIDE the classroom - and they don't need their chain jerked for 60 minutes by some over glorified and self-righteous person who CANT teach themselves - and now they are pretending like they are some expert.

I tend to piss. a lot of people off with my comments - because I am so passionate about this stuff - that I just refuse to stay silent when game players try and invade this space.

Sorry for my intensity - I have fought the system for 20 years - and I am gettin really close to actually DESTROYING its power. :)

Oh what a glorious day that will be.

the day that teachers are FREE!!