Lol at white boys

It is interesting. I watched a video earlier today, absolutely hot as fuck of a young slim white US soldier sucking a BBC in a garage. Married, wedding ring on full display, and one of the other copies of the video has a couple of personal photos in the preview, showing him with his wife etc.

He seems to become zoned out/hypnotised with the BBC as the video goes on, on his knees. He's panting and pants 'oh yeah, oh yeah.....oh yeah!' as the BBC cums all over him, with a streak of it sticking to his face/forehead and hair. The BBC laughs and says "You got some of that in your hair' to which the young whiteboy soldier laughs 'its ok'.

Right at the very end of the video, the whiteboy soldier says 'You should definitely send me that video!' and it ends.

As hot as it was I couldn't help but wonder after I had watched it: Why would you even ALLOW such an encounter to be filmed? Its out there all over the net now, at least 3 or 4 years old (and he is wearing the new US Army camo's as opposed to the old ACU in one of his Army photos). If the wife gets wind of it, his marriage will be sunk if it isn't already - and he'll be completely humiliated.

UPDATE: Yeah, his marriage got wrecked in the end as it turns out. No surprise there. That's what happens when you allow such an encounter to be filmed 😂
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...the white soldier may not have authorized anything at all.
Well, he certainly knew that it was being filmed. Which is the silly thing to do - ANYTHING filmed in all likelihood ends up on the internet which is why I don't understand really why people would allow it to be filmed. If another person holds a copy, you don't have control then.

I guess if you don't care about it being uploaded onto the internet that's fair enough, but I would figure the majority of people if given the choice would always choose to NOT have their face and sexual encounters plastered all over the net.