Let’s hear from all the wifes that are on here and hubby’s don’t know.

Hand raised
you may want to check this out...and let's chat

Me. He has totally lost interest.
have you checked this out?

have you voted or commented? I would be interested to see your thoughts...or DM me...

have you voted or commented? I would be interested to see your thoughts...or DM me...

i have voted but in simple terms its because i didnt know who i was when i got married and he would never accept me cheating.
How many of you naughty ladies who are getting BBC behind hubby's back are feeding hubby a BBC cream pie unbenounced to him?
People really killed this thread with their self righteousness… “don’t get married if you cheat/tell your husband” blah blah blah … people have different kinks and fetishes… cheating for some is one of them…lotta cool threads on here get killed with Def righteous people…
People really killed this thread with their self righteousness… “don’t get married if you cheat/tell your husband” blah blah blah … people have different kinks and fetishes… cheating for some is one of them…lotta cool threads on here get killed with Def righteous people…
Man shut up. Let folk do what they do. Who are you or anybody else to judge. What folk do ain't nobody else business but there's. Get a life.