It’s a little more complex than that or “cuckolding”, he’s the ******* of my two *******, however he’s impotent and can’t maintain an erection due to medication not to mention he’s all of 4 inches. He realises I have needs that need to be fulfilled and he is a good ******* to our ******* (minus the video games every night). It’s more co-parenting than cuckold. We sleep in separate rooms and I do bring fwb and my main bull to sleep over regularly and this year he knows I am coming off contraception to fall pregnant. My bull is an African man twice my age but I’m addicted to him and need to be with him every night and will likely move in with him, I work full time andbut my bull is unemployed (he’s a refugee without citizenship yet) and i want to cook and clean and take care of him and treat him like a king as he gives me a feeling that no man ever can.