ISO people with high libidos.


Gold Member
How do you deal with your sig other not being on the same sexual level as yourself? Do you have an awkward conversation of your just not cuttin'it? Do you like slip him a little blue pill? Out of complete curiosity do little dicked men have this problem? Or is it only big dicked men? Or just men in general? Or am I just cursed? Ladies, don't make me feel like I'm the only one, tell me what y'all are doing before I run out of my prime sex years 😭
How do you deal with your sig other not being on the same sexual level as yourself? Do you have an awkward conversation of your just not cuttin'it? Do you like slip him a little blue pill? Out of complete curiosity do little dicked men have this problem? Or is it only big dicked men? Or just men in general? Or am I just cursed? Ladies, don't make me feel like I'm the only one, tell me what y'all are doing before I run out of my prime sex years 😭
I got to get off this site and do something else now...Will probably respond to this more thoroughly when I get an opportunity. However short answer... Get somebody that you have a compatible sex drive with😉.
Really tough for me and I am the male in the relationship. I would be up for sex at least 3-4 times per week and usually masturbate 5-7 times per week. I would drop everything to have sex. I help around the house, engaged with are little ones and am in really good shape for my age. I get a lot of looks from women even college ones. I am also a true 7.5 inches (conservative measurement) with good thickness. Previous relationships had great sex but wife is ok with once a month. I have brought it up and hopes it improves. The tough thing is I know there are women my age who would love to have a guy like me instead of their fat husbands who would rather watch the ball game than have sex.
How do you deal with your sig other not being on the same sexual level as yourself?
Maybe you don't...If sex is a high level need of yours. Which is not being met to a satisfactory degree. Then your compatibility is in question. Which leads to the question " Is this the right (enough) person for me?"

Do you have an awkward conversation of your just not cuttin'it?
Yes... It's important to know why the disconnect exists. It will allow you to make a more informed decision.

Do you like slip him a little blue pill?
I swear by them. Gotta love the effect. Whether you "need" it or not. Has to be his decision. The medication is not suitable for everyone.

Out of complete curiosity do little dicked men have this problem?
Wouldn't know...N/A 😉.

Or is it only big dicked men?
I've always been highly sexually and continue to be so...
No...I would say just the opposite.
A thread of mine that speaks to this...


Or just men in general?
Some men in general Yes.

Or am I just cursed?
No...Just have to find someone on the same wavelength as you.
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How do you deal with your sig other not being on the same sexual level as yourself? Do you have an awkward conversation of your just not cuttin'it? Do you like slip him a little blue pill? Out of complete curiosity do little dicked men have this problem? Or is it only big dicked men? Or just men in general? Or am I just cursed? Ladies, don't make me feel like I'm the only one, tell me what y'all are doing before I run out of my prime sex years 😭
whether to respond seriously on this site; I don't know if it really makes sense.

I can tell you that anything and everything is true.

In some Mediterranean countries men are of average size, and their dicks are always hard. Always. And they want to fuck anything, women, men, animals, plants, rocks; and everything that the Sacred Lord has placed on the face of the Earth.

I don't know if you're a woman, a man, or something in between; whatever you are, you'd be fucked 24/7, at least 4 times a day; and if I had an accident and was plastered from head to toe, I'd tell the plaster caster to leave a hole for my hard cock, and I'd fuck you anyway.

if I couldn't do that, I'd call my closest friends and have them fuck you.
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whether to respond seriously on this site; I don't know if it really makes sense.

I can tell you that anything and everything is true.

In some Mediterranean countries men are of average size, and their dicks are always hard. Always. And they want to fuck anything, women, men, animals, plants, rocks; and everything that the Sacred Lord has placed on the face of the Earth.
That has to be a bit of a curse don't you think?
How do you deal with your sig other not being on the same sexual level as yourself? Do you have an awkward conversation of your just not cuttin'it? Do you like slip him a little blue pill? Out of complete curiosity do little dicked men have this problem? Or is it only big dicked men? Or just men in general? Or am I just cursed? Ladies, don't make me feel like I'm the only one, tell me what y'all are doing before I run out of my prime sex years 😭
U will NEVER run outta ur 'prime sex years'
I got to get off this site and do something else now...Will probably respond to this more thoroughly when I get an opportunity. However short answer... Get somebody that you have a compatible sex drive with😉.
my first thought was to say " next" but if he checks all the marks except that, I think that might make me super shallow, if I didn't give him a chance. If his winkie was little obviously I'd have bo choice but to scream "next" 🤣😂🤣
Really tough for me and I am the male in the relationship. I would be up for sex at least 3-4 times per week and usually masturbate 5-7 times per week. I would drop everything to have sex. I help around the house, engaged with are little ones and am in really good shape for my age. I get a lot of looks from women even college ones. I am also a true 7.5 inches (conservative measurement) with good thickness. Previous relationships had great sex but wife is ok with once a month. I have brought it up and hopes it improves. The tough thing is I know there are women my age who would love to have a guy like me instead of their fat husbands who would rather watch the ball game than have sex.
That's what I am afraid of, that hot 24/7 sex will cool down to once a month on a Tuesday and that could be my reality. Which leads me to believe marriage is a sex killer. So are crotch goblins for that matter😒
my first thought was to say " next" but if he checks all the marks except that, I think that might make me super shallow, if I didn't give him a chance. If his winkie was little obviously I'd have bo choice but to scream "next" 🤣😂🤣
Yeah that was the short answer...I subsequently responded more thoroughly. Another short answer though...Regret is a horrible thing 🤔.
Maybe you don't...If sex is a high level need of yours. Which is not being met to a satisfactory degree. Then your compatibility is in question. Which leads to the question " Is this the right (enough) person for me?"

Yes... It's important to know why the disconnect exists. It will allow you to make a more informed decision.

I swear by them. Gotta love the effect. Whether you "need" it or not. Has to be his decision. The medication is not suitable for everyone.

Wouldn't know...N/A 😉.

I've always been highly sexually and continue to be so...
No...I would say just the opposite.
A thread of mine that speaks to this...


Some men in general Yes.

No...Just have to find someone on the same wavelength as you.
It's starting to sound like I need to be single.
It's starting to sound like I need to be single.
Up until you're not... You got to weigh the pros and cons of the situation. Only you know what's a deal breaker for you. How much are you willing to compromise ?
How much are you willing to concede to?
Are there viable workarounds ?
Only you know the answer to these questions.
How do you deal with your sig other not being on the same sexual level as yourself? Do you have an awkward conversation of your just not cuttin'it? Do you like slip him a little blue pill? Out of complete curiosity do little dicked men have this problem? Or is it only big dicked men? Or just men in general? Or am I just cursed? Ladies, don't make me feel like I'm the only one, tell me what y'all are doing before I run out of my prime sex years 😭
You should CUM to Me and get All your Juices Flowing & Holes Filled
How do you deal with your sig other not being on the same sexual level as yourself? Do you have an awkward conversation of your just not cuttin'it? Do you like slip him a little blue pill? Out of complete curiosity do little dicked men have this problem? Or is it only big dicked men? Or just men in general? Or am I just cursed? Ladies, don't make me feel like I'm the only one, tell me what y'all are doing before I run out of my prime sex years 😭
Stop it Jenna! 😂 Who have you been choosing to play with? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣🤣 I don’t need a blue pill and my stamina is CRAZY. Holla @ me! 🍆😈✊🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Stop it Jenna! 😂 Who have you been choosing to play with? 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣🤣 I don’t need a blue pill and my stamina is CRAZY. Holla @ me! 🍆😈✊🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
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