Is my wife bbc worthy?

haha that's funny because that's how this started. I write stories and obviously use her as my main character. I was gonna write one and she suggested that write something different. I chose to do a bar pickup and made it with a black guy. So that got us talking about it.
would like to read one.
We have talked about it playfully. Whenever i want try something new though she has always given it a try without an issue. She has offered to add a woman already and obviously I agreed. I know this takes time and patience, just trying to see if it would be as enjoyable as people on here say it is.
You come across as a handsome playful couple, committed to each other, which is a good thing! My advice is to keep it this way. Don`t let your sexuality be narrowed by a particular "kink", but try things out that appeal to any or both of you. Listen closely to what the other one brings in and always keep track of the partner`s emotional outcome of any arrangement.

To add another woman is a good start, if your wife is serious about that. Once another person has been included in your sexual play, it opens the chance for a variety of setups including additional male players as well. The step to inviting a black man is not that far away. ;)

However, from my experience, it is also important and necessary to put emphasis on the topic outside of the bedroom too. If it`s only pillow talk it is most likely to stay fantasy. If you really want to make it real, it will be essential to talk about it outside of a sexual context in order to put more seriousness to it. jm2ct`s
You come across as a handsome playful couple, committed to each other, which is a good thing! My advice is to keep it this way. Don`t let your sexuality be narrowed by a particular "kink", but try things out that appeal to any or both of you. Listen closely to what the other one brings in and always keep track of the partner`s emotional outcome of any arrangement.

To add another woman is a good start, if your wife is serious about that. Once another person has been included in your sexual play, it opens the chance for a variety of setups including additional male players as well. The step to inviting a black man is not that far away. ;)

However, from my experience, it is also important and necessary to put emphasis on the topic outside of the bedroom too. If it`s only pillow talk it is most likely to stay fantasy. If you really want to make it real, it will be essential to talk about it outside of a sexual context in order to put more seriousness to it. jm2ct`s
Thank you for the reply. We have discussed it outside the bedroom. It seems to interest her and me. We are both emotionally stable toward one another that will never be an issue. I am actually just trying to figure out what first steps to take and advice on what to do for her etc...
Thank you for the reply. We have discussed it outside the bedroom. It seems to interest her and me. We are both emotionally stable toward one another that will never be an issue. I am actually just trying to figure out what first steps to take and advice on what to do for her etc...
It seems you have open communication channels with each other and are not new to the idea of this lifestyle anymore so that you know what you are and will be doing. ImO you are not in need of further advice, so just enjoy what life and the lifestyle has in place for you two. i`m wishing you lots of fun!
Thanks all for the advice, messages and comments. I am going to show her all of this tonight and see where it goes from there. All of the attention her pics got may make this pretty easy. Keep the comments coming, can only help me out
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Show her some media from real "amateur" people in the lifestyle who obviously enjoy it. i`m going to show my girlfriend @Bigoneforher `s videos and pictures once i get their approval to do so. They have only snippets taken by smartphone but they are intriguing for the fact it is obvious how much they`re enjoying this lifestyle. :blackheart:
There are others too. Just look around. ;)
Most Black Men that we know would probably like to give her the privilege of accepting Black semen for the first time. Once she has shown respect to the Black Man in that way I'm equally certain that she will ache for her next opportunity to give them pleasure and show herself a worthy recipient of their cum. That is the case with my wife.
Showed my wife all the likes and comments everyone wrote and it made her so hot. She said we can make more and post so everyone could see. She is definitely getting interested and I am sure it won't take long. Keep the comments coming they are helping me out so much.
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