Introducing myself and our current situation

You probably can’t count high enough to really know how many times your wife got fucked in those 5 days
As a cuckold I’d love the likeliness of my wife not telling me everything
Hi Adam, thank you for sharing your position here.
I hope that in time, you guys both get to enjoy your (sex) life more, and in a way that feels comfortable for you both.
I believe your goal here is to have your wife enjoy her life more? And to spice things up for yourself at the same time?
What makes me wonder about your post is whether or not your wife shares the same problem and desire as you do, i.e. is she bored about things as well? And does she feel inhibited by her -understandable- caution for drama, in a way that she actually experiences any (sexual) tension between her caution and her own fantasies or real desires? Have you guys discussed or explored this?
Has she actually expressed any real sexual desire herself involving another guy in any way?
If i read correctly, your wife said that she disliked the thought and finds it a ‘stupid idea’.
When she told you that it would take too much energy organizing contact with another man, it seemed to me that she said that in a pretty negative context/situation? And that she only adressed it because of your desire or concerns after you expressed your discontent? And again she argumented that she does not want to.
That could be just my (mis)interpretation.

Could there be more ways of exploring how to spice things up together? Aside from having her be with another guy in case she does not want to engage in this herself?
Could there be more/other ways of exploring your wife’s sexuality together if and up to the degree that she really wants to herself?
Thanks for replying to my story.

My number 1 goal is absolutely to have my wife enjoy her life, body, sex life more and not being worried too much about what others may think of her. I think my wife is gorgeous when she dresses up for a special occasion, wears some make up and jewels. The point is she seems to be a bit uncomfortable to show herself as feminine as she can be.

My wife has for years been telling me that our sex life is good, but it’s been monotone and over quickly for a very long time. Since the moment I don’t get or can keep it hard for her anymore she’s become visibly itritated now and then. “This has never been a problem” and “do you need to tell me something?” are questions she asked me for example. We haven’t had many sex since my ED symptoms, but numerous times she invited me to our bedroom with a dildo already next to her.

Her sexual fantasies are a mystery to me. All
I know is that she truly liked a threesome she did before our relationship. She said to me once or twice during our marriage that’s been an unique experience for her. I’ve asked her many times what she fantasized about now and then but I never get a straight answer. She’s too shy to talk about it. “You know I don’t like this”.

The too much energy to organize comment was indeed made in relation to her having sex with an other guy obviously. She started this conversation by herself after I told her I find our sex life a bit boring at times. We had a short but open conversation about a third guy after she made that remark.
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I had a similar start up in all this. in my case, she eventually finds people she's known through work or otherwise, and has a good playful friendship and takes it to the next level. Right now she's see's her current b/f every month or other months. Their work schedules collide a lot. and they go out 3 hours to a motel or on a boat and do their thing. I get to see pics or vids once in a while. She even had a pregnancy scare. which she didn't tell me. when I found the test,i just touched myself and came in seconds. it takes time some times to build these side pieces / boyfriends
I had a similar start up in all this. in my case, she eventually finds people she's known through work or otherwise, and has a good playful friendship and takes it to the next level. Right now she's see's her current b/f every month or other months. Their work schedules collide a lot. and they go out 3 hours to a motel or on a boat and do their thing. I get to see pics or vids once in a while. She even had a pregnancy scare. which she didn't tell me. when I found the test,i just touched myself and came in seconds. it takes time some times to build these side pieces / boyfriends

That's really interesting and seems so relaxed. This belongs in the thread THE NEW MODERN MARRIAGE