Interracial vacation

It's seems like we all need a vacation from various adulthood problems & this chaotic insane time of a world we live in today, if we ever get the chance to travel to Earth 2 "Super Earth" with the help of NASA we can start over in peace with new remastered versions of our hometowns that's been gentrified to Hell & back overtime like New York unfortunately after the 90's.
Black man white woman black woman Asian or Latino man living in the ideal utopia.💜♠️
What I prefer to see black women with instead of white guys, because I trust Asian men with black women for many obvious reasons involving loyalty & undying faithful love.
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What I prefer to see black women with instead of white guys, because I trust Asian men with black women for many obvious reasons involving loyalty & undying faithful love.
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I prefer seeing women of any color with men who respect them. Period!