Interracial vacation

The only reason why I want to create this interracial vacation paradise on a unclaimed tropical island, is because we all need a vacation from adulthood in our respective countries. We're gonna need a lot of nurses & doctors in order to have free health care on the our island. No currency system, trade various goods we find or sex (optional).
Once we have everything as far as a new functional civilization, I guess we can have a tribal government system we just had to be very careful with the execution of it. We're also going to need musicians to make tribal music for our parties, also we're going to need shoemakers to make nice shoes for everyone on our island not to mention people who love to cook.
It's best to have a contingency plan in place, just incase things go south & we all have a fun safe vacation place to go to starting a new life. 💜♠️
If you have the technology to put some color into this, go ahead you'll be doing me & everyone else a huge favor.
Rekks backstabbing antisocial disloyal bitch ass didn't think about giving my old birthday gift some fucking color, of course at that time of receiving the gift I didn't want to sound ungrateful.🤦🏿‍♂️😒
I mean c'mon ladies you'd be somewhat pissed, if you receive a birthday gift that was halfway completed.
What y'all looking at once someone adds good color detail to this, is our fun lives on our tropical island that's a vacation from various adulthood problems. A glimpse of that perfect interracial vacation, celebration of freedom & infinite fun. 💜♠️

To sum up my vision for our ideal new fun lives on our tropical island "Mandingo Island" the overall goal is to be free & have infinite fun. Hopefully this becomes a reality for all of us to enjoy, because nobody wants to live the same boring life over and over again like a video game NPC program to repeat the same life process of living same old boring yet stressful at times adulthood.
Soon as one of us discovers a unclaimed tropical island not far from us, our dream interracial vacation from adulthood problems can come true.
A mostly nude tribal civilization enjoying life to the fullest, just us gorgeous magnificent majestic muscular strong intelligent kindhearted black men & you beautiful elegant stunning white women.
The our vacation spot will be a secret amongst our respective countries governments for safety reasons that are understandable, only a few worthy people trustworthy can know about our tropical island that's a white woman's paradise.💜♠️
Tribal musical instruments playing as well all have the time of lives, tribal celebrations will be once in awhile. For it'll be mostly us relaxing enjoying our interracial vacation from adulthood, you ladies are going to look fabulous in your tribal outfits. 💜♠️
