Don't forget about Maria Moore. Famous Huge tittied model. I thought she just did solo stuff but discovered her many porn sets. The only black actor she worked with was a woman, and did a gloryhole scene with 1 real white dick and one fake black dildo. I say anyone can have preferences, but preference can be rooted in gross beliefs like people being "gross" or "dirtier" than others. Here are women who'd rather get VD from a white dick than sleep with clean black guy , because they see black skin as somehow dirtier, when there are clearly white dicks out there that smell like cheese. It's the belief that certain races are dirtier. THATS why it's not simply "just a preference". For example, I'm not attracted to asians AT ALL, but I'd still fuck one because I don't see anything inherently wrong or gross about them. Theres a difference between "preference", and "aversion." Preference is what you actively like and Aversion is what you actively DISLIKE. They know their opinions are hateful which is why they lie to not reveal how they actually feel. They want to be shitty and not be called shitty.
preference can be based on deeper, hidden, shitty beliefs. I'd rather them open and honest about it so I don't accidentally support someone who doesn't have the best opinion about people who look like I do. It's rare that a women doesn't work with black guys "just because" . She usually has pretty hateful opinions about them. Don't call for their jobs or anything, but if there are social repercussions, so be it. It's called evolving. If you can't do it, fine. Just don't cry when you're left behind and call it "being cancelled"
Ah well. Women like this always become KKK or Nazi sweethearts anyway, which secures their bank account. Just gotta ignore them and find someone who doesn't think you're gross. Racism is cancer no matter how many racetards try to convince you otherwise. This goes for every race btw.
Many black actors work for and with people who see them has dirtier or Less-than. What good is a 10inch dick when you have 0 balls ?
If someone doesn't want to work with someone because of their race, say "fuck them" and move on. There are plenty of people out there who aren't as inbred. Let them live in obscurity with the preferences. Don't waste time trying to get racists to like you. They're a waste of time. Life is too short. It's THEIR mental illness. Not yours.