Interracial porn addiction and white males

How is it that white males always end up watching interracial bbc porn and why do we always get addicted to it and want more? It should’nt really be such a big thing but i see so many just get almost instantly hooked
Might be, but that taboo isnt it right???
So here is my story of how I got into it, I haven't told many people, even on here as I'm sure most would find it weird (even on here lol)
So when I was a young and my parents had just gotten divorced, my mom started dating a black man... I absolutely hated that, couldn't stand the thought of a black guy fucking my mom and was petrified of and super embarrassed if anyone found out about it, especially my friends (back then it was still pretty taboo)... I even heard them have sex a few times and was absolutely grossed out. But then, as much as I hated it, I started imagining it and it turned me on like crazy, in a very strange way... I still hated it bit was jerking off to it lol, perhaps by the taboo, perhaps by all the weird thoughts I had on it lol... that led me to interracial porn and eventually snowballed... so I found sites like this, got really into it and addicted to ot myself...
Now more than 10 years later, I am still super into it and my wife had just had her first BBC experience recently, and she loves it herself!
How is it that white males always end up watching interracial bbc porn and why do we always get addicted to it and want more? It should’nt really be such a big thing but i see so many just get almost instantly hooked
I had my wife watch the porn with me. Not long after she began having sex with multiple black men